Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz, OBM
With great sadness, shock and deep pain we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz, OBM, Shlucha to Alpharetta, Georgia. She was 37 years old, and left behind a grieving husband, eight children and community.
Mrs. Minkowicz was an active Shlucha in the suburbs of Atlanta, directing Chabad of North Fulton with her husband, Rabbi Hirshy Minkowicz, while simultaneously raising eight children, the youngest of whom is only two years old.
Her passing was sudden and unexpected.
She is survived by her husband, Hirshy, and eight children: Menachem Mendel, Yoli, Henya, Tonia, Naftoli, Shaya, Dovid and Alter.
She is survived as well by her parents, Rabbi Chaim Meir and Sara Lieberman of Crown Heights; her brothers: Moshe (Newton, MA), Yossi (West Hempstead, NY), Menachem Mendel (Crown Heights), Levi (Redondo Beach, CA), Shaya (Crown Heights), Shmuly (Crown Heights), Zalmy (Crown Heights), Nissi (Crown Heights) and Sholom (Crown Heights); and her sisters: Esty Majesky (Crown Heights), Henya Friedman (Crown Heights), Doba Raskin (Crown Heights), Mushka Shusterman (Los Angeles, CA), Tirtza (Crown Heights) and Chani (Crown Heights).
The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 10:00am at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels. It will pass by 770 at around 10:45am.
The Lieberman family will be sitting Shiva at 724 Eastern Parkway [between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves.] in Crown Heights.
Personal assistance for the family may be made by PayPal to hlmink1@gmail.com. Donations to Chabad of North Fulton (Alpharetta) may be made here: https://secure.blastmart.com/
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
naftali Berkowitz
Hirshy I m absolutely devastated and cannot believe that this is happening., I hope that this is just a bad dream . , May your entire family be truly comforted and know no further pain or sadness
no words
i cant believe my daughters classmate and buddy has just left us. i know her mom since we were single.
yes wake us up . this is all a bad dream…
till then
Hashem please
comfort all those who need the comfort
protect and help the children and husband
For us who remain!
storm the gates!
moshiach now!
In tears....
Wow I cannot even belive something so sad like this can happen Hashem plz help the family and the kids and freinds stay strong wow I cannot even imagine what this family is going through now with 8 kids are now going to be left with no mother to come to their bar mitzvahs,weddings and family events wow!!! Hashem plz help the family….MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!!!!
David Rozenson
Hirshy, I have not seen you for many years yet somehow this shocking news is so close and so hard to understand. I pray that you find comfort among those who surround you and that the beautiful children on these photos provide you will strength and purpose. There are times when words fail us. Hamakom Yenachem and Hashem Yerachem…
This is a dagger in my heart… Why Hashem? Why ?
Breanna grover
My mother is in tears we all loved Rashi so much. She was an inspiration. Praying for your family.
Another sister
Bluma Marcus
In California
Another sister
Bluma is older then Mendy and younger then Yossi
Time for levaye what time is it??? Says 9 and 945 in the other sight ??
Please update time ???
The Levaya will be taking place at times we originally posted. 9:00am at Shomrei Hadas and 10:45am at 770.
Genia Epelbaum Taub
I knew Rashi since she was a little girl. My memories of her are strong as ever as I always found her to be deep yet light, funny yet intense, gorgeous yet humble, smart yet grounded individual. When I saw Rashi at her her sister’s wedding 2 years ago with her radiant skin glowing and her smile of true happiness after not seeing her for years we embraced, kissed and I had tears in my eyes. I love the Lieberman family. Rashi will be the light onto the world now and she will continue in her merry spirit for her family. The world will rise above in her merit. Genia Epelbaum Taub