Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R’ Yisroel Boruch Butman, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Rabbi Yisroel Boruch Butman, OBM, head Shliach to Naharia, Israel, board member of Aguch and director of the Oholei Yosef Yitzchok network of schools across the Holy Land. He was 56 years old.
The Levaya will take place Sunday morning in Naharia. From there the body will be accompanied to Jerusalem, where it will be interred on Har Hazeisim.
He is survived by his wife, Shifra, and four children: Chaim Ozer, Menachem Mendel, Shneur Zalman and Mussia.
He is survived as well by his parents, Rabbi Sholom Ber and Devorah Butman (Tel Aviv, Israel), and siblings: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Butman (Lod, Israel), Rabbi Yehuda Butman (Ramat Hasharon, Israel), Rabbi Yochonon Butman (Hadera, Israel) and Michla Segal, wife of Rabbi Shlomo Segal, a member of the Crown Heights Beis Din.
So young!
May his family be comforted
א טייערע נשמה
this is scary, what is going on here. from rosh hashana till now how many young ppl passed,,,,,,_______ dont even want to calculate
2 chosheve Rabbonim!
In one week, we have lost two chusheve members of Aguch & outstanding shluchim. Terrible. Hamokom Yenechem Eschem….
oy vey!
Noch amol??
Such a sweet special chosid and shliach!
Those who knew him know how great this loos is
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