Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Shlomo Lakein, 67, OBM
With great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Benda Shlomo Lakein, OBM, a longtime member of the Crown Heights community, at the age of 67.
Reb Shlomo’s health deteriorated recently, and he was admitted to the hospital this morning after not feeling well. Requests to say Tehilim for him were sent out immediately. He passed away today in the late afternoon.
Reb Shlomo was an active member of the Crown Heights community for several decades. He founded the Darchai Menachem boys’ school back in 2000, which over the past 14 years grew to be a large institution over a hundred students.
He also directed the publication of the popular and distinctive Jewish Art Calendar, which adorns the walls of many Jewish homes.
He is survived by his ten children: Devorah Leah Brackman of Westminster, Colorado; Goldie Bension, Mendel, Dovid, Reuvein, Yossi, Chanie, Schneur, Sholom and Mushkie – all of Crown Heights.
He is predeceased by his wife, Miriam, OBM, who passed away in 1993.
The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Wednesday. The ceremony at Shomrei Hadas Chapels has been canceled due to the weather. It will begin at Darchei Menachem at 1:40pm, and will be passing by 770 at around 2:00pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Rabbi Leikin will be sadly missed. In a world where there is too much greed and selfishness, Rabbi Leikin stands out as a lighthouse on an island in a turbulent ocean. T.N.TZ.B.H.
This is tragic! :( He was such a wonderful person and will dearly be missed!
I will miss him. BD’E
wow so sad
i remember the good old days in Montreal
what a tzadik such pure soul
wow B D E
now he is
together with Reb itcha springer who brought him to chabad from Baltimore
In a community of special people, Shlomo Lakein was a special, special man. He will be sorely missed.
From the early talmidim of Hadar HaTorah, went on to great hatzlocho in Tomche Temimim in Montreal. Shtark gehorevet, an emeser Tomim. Tehi Zichro Boruch.
A house of hachnosas orchim! A heart of gold! Always a smile. Thats how i remember rabbi leikin!
May Hashem give the family the koach to overcome this great tradgedy.
The Lakins are old friends of my Parents OBM! Sorry to hear of their passing!
let's be careful not harmful
Oh. He stood out for his middos! I would never forget how he smiled every time he saw he with my kids. Such a neshomo!
המקום המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים n'eNow!
rabbi lakein z’l will forever be missed for his abundant open ended hachnosas orchim bli gvul unlimited giving like avrohom ovinu but unlike a”a -he had to man the fort & hold down the tent for the past 2+ decades without his rebbetzin. he lived every day to it’s fullest, a true modern day boh bayomim & being in his 68th year (bgmatria Chayim) he truly embodied & personified a Living shliyach thru & thru ,bakoil mikoil koil, as the nyc equivelant of abrahams tent in kan tzivoh, to me personally i would be lying if i said i did not always see him bsimcha tomid as his constant simcha radiated continously & no doubt was poiraitz many gdorim, not just b’alma di’dain. it feels surreal but i visualize his bright smile radiating down at me,as a warm light, to embellish happiness & internalize this b’pnimiyus. may the ganseh mishpocho only know of future simchas.
המקום המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
המקום המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים n'eNow!
ad mosai!
not sure, but....
I didn’t know him, but from his photo, he looks like the sweet soul I saw at Simchas Beis HaShoeivah, who would gently-but-b’simchah dance with individuals who were hanging at the edges of the dancing at first, who were sometimes too shy to join in with the dancing until he got them started?