With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Shmuel Yitzchok Stettin, OBM, of Montreal, Canada.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R’ Shmuel Y. Stettin, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Shmuel Yitzchok Stettin, OBM, of Montreal, Canada.

He is survived by his two sons, Yaakov and Yossi, who will be sitting Shiva at 838 Jefferson St. in Woodmere, NY, until Tuesday morning.

Shachris – 7:30

Mincha – Shkia

Maariv – Tzeis

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalaim


  • Old memories

    The Stetins were old friends and member of the original Lubavitcher community in Montreal.Reb Shmuel was a son in law of reb Yitchok Goldin , an amoliker chossid,who passed away Simchas Toira in 770.

    He was a very aideler yid and His and his wifes Kibudd Eim to his mother ,was exemplary.Such aidelkeit, and ehrlichkeit is very rare.. They lost a daughter, a fairly young women several years ago. Chaval al davdin.

    Hamokoim yinachem eschem bsoich shaar avelei tsion vyerushalayim.