Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Aaron Meir Trappler, 28, OBM
With great sadness and pain we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Aaron Meir Trappler, OBM, of Crown Heights and Tzfas, Israel at the young age of 28.
He is survived by his parents, Baruch and Kreindel Trappler of Crown Heights, as well as his siblings.
The Levaya will take place after Shabbos in Israel.
The family will be sitting Shiva at 501 Montgomery St. [corner New York Ave.], beginning at 10:30am Friday morning.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
BDE. So sad :( May his neshama have the highest aliyah…Moshiach now!
He was a very special person.
Truly a tragedy. BDE.
Boruch Dayon Hoemes!
Tehei nishmosoi tzruro bitzroir hachaim es Hashem!
What a great kid always made me smile he will be truly
Missed bde
This is so sad!!! And especially coming after news of so many other early deaths.
My heart goes out to his family and friends!
Please Hashem....!
We all feel such pain for the parents and family who are hurting from this untimely tragedy! Hashem you must send us Moshiach Tzidkeinu and bring us to the Geulah Shleima Right Now! We CANNOT wait!
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Uncle Mendel
My Heart Aches.
Another Very Good reason to want Moshiach.
And my heart Aches..
montgomery st neighbor
a really special guy who will be missed
I’m so sad. He will be missed! What a wonderful person he was. BDE
Such a special neshama!
im so sorry BDE!
The Tapplers are wonderful people and my heart goes out especially to my two good friends Dovi and Zalmi seyichyeh. May Hashem comfort you guys and your whole family as only He can. Hamokom yenachem eschem botch shaarai avolai tzion Vyrushalayim