Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R. Mendel Hillel Gansburg, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hillel Gansburg, OBM, Shliach in Milan, Italy, at the age of 67.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bela Gansburg, and their children: Menucha Mishulovin (Crown Heights), Chana Hinda Levertov (Paris, France), Mirele Laufer (Crown Heights), R’ Berel Gansburg (Crown Heights), R’ Binyomin Gansburg (Paris, France), R’ Shneur Zalman Gansburg (Palmetto Bay, FL), Shternie Pressman (Paris, France) and Hadassa Gansburg.

He is also survived by his siblings: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Gansburg (Kiryat Malachi, Israel), Rabbi Avrohom Shlomo Gansburg (Israel), Sara Blank (Miami Beach, FL), Dina Pearl Tzfasman (Crown Heights), Chana Leiba Raichik (Los Angeles, CA), Rochel Bisk (Toronto, Canada) and Rabbi Noach Gansburg (S. Paulo, Brazil).

The Leavaya will take place Wednesday in Israel.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes