BDH: R’ Dovber (Berel) Rubinson OBM
With profound sadness and deep pain we inform you of the passing of HaRav HaChossid R’ Dovber (Berel) Rubinson of Lud, Eretz Yisroel who passed away Sunday morning at age 93.
R’ Rubinson was born in Karelevitz, Ukraine to an illustrious Chabad family. In his youth, he learned in the many underground Chabad yeshivas. After World War II, he was a member of the rescue committee that organized the illegal emigration of numerous families and individuals from the USSR to Poland, known as the “ashalonim”. As a result of these efforts, he was arrested and spent 7 years in Soviet prison and hard labor camp.
He later immigrated to Lud, Eretz Yisroel serving as gabbai of the main Chabad shul in Lud. He was one of the elder Chabad Chassidim in Eretz Hakodesh.
He was laid to rest at the Chabad plot on Har Hazesim.
His son, Reb Ben-Tzion Rubinson, is sitting shiva in Los Angeles at 647 North Stanley Ave. Mincha: 5:00pm, followed by Mairiv bizmano. His daughter, Mrs. Tamar Gruzman, is sitting shiva in Lud, Eretz Yisroel.
Please send any zichronos, stories, anecdotes or sayings of (or related to) Harav Berel and/or his wife Rebbetzin Klara Rubinson A”H to:
Also, please send your participation in learning Mishnayos le’ilui nishmosoi to the above email address.
Boruch Dayan Haemes
Rivkie (Metal) Ives
sarale, we are so sorry to hear of your profound loss. may Hashem comfort you all and usher in the era of techias hamaisim now. all our love.