Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Yehuda Piamenta OBM
Yehuda Piamenta, father of Yossi and Avi Piamenta, the known musicians, passed away today in Israel at the age of 84.
Yehuda devoted many years of his life to the protection and safety of the land of Israel and its Jewish citizens, being involved in Israels General Security Service, Israeli Defense Force and the Intelligence Corps.
A few years ago Yossi left his home of 20+ years in Flatbush, to live close to his father in Tel Aviv, Israel.
He is survived by his children Yossi (Kfar Chabad), Avi (Israel), Chana Lorber (Kfar Chabad) and Chaya Meer (Morristown, NJ).
His Levaya took place today, and left from the home of Yossi in Kfar Chabad to Mount Olives where he was buried.
Baruch Dayan Haemes
Baruch Dayan Haemes :-(
Oy, what ana amzaing family!
he took a lot of secrets with him
of his unbelievable deeds…
May he have a high, high, high place in Gan Eden and be a gute beter for his family and all of Klal Yisroel
His lives on through his multi-talented and special offspring
To his children:
Hamokom Yinachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Avlei Tzion V’Yerushalaim
Moshiach NOW!!!!!
Yaakov R. in Sydney
baruch dayan ha’emes
I know Yossi like a brother and have played in the band many times..His father must be very proud of his many kinder…May his soul have an aliyah
from arutz sheva
Head of the Shabak (GSS) Yuval Diskin visited Kfar Chabad on Wednesday in order to pay a shiva call to the Piamenta family following the death of their father, Yehuda Piamenta, 84. Piamenta it turns out was a senior official in the Shabak and according to Diskin he trained a generation of officers. Diskin added that the family has “no idea how much Yehuda did in defense of the state”.
What an inspiring man.
Chanie Hoffer
He was a much beloved figure in his family. We truly aren’t aware of all the effort he extended on behalf of Klal Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel to keep Jews safe in the holy land. May his memory be for a blessing.