Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass OBM
With sadness we inform you of the passing of the Mashpiah Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass, of Montreal Canada. Rabbi Greenglass was one of the most prominent Mashpiim of our time, and merited to have influenced generations of Temimim and Chassidim. He survived the holocaust and was counted among the 9 Shluchim of the Previous Rebbe that were sent to Canada, and later established Tomchei Temimim.
Rabbi Greenglass was born to a non-Lubavitcher family in Poland, and went off to learn in Tomchei Temimim in Lodz by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rozenmunter, he then learned in Otwock, and after in Tomchei Temimim Shang Chai. He was later sent by the Previous Rebbe to Montreal, where he established the Yeshiva and Chabad Shul.
Rabbi Greenglass served as a mashpia in the Yeshiva for many years, thousands of Bochurim passed through its doors. In his unique way he infused Bochurim with Torah and Yiras Shomayim.
The Rebbe relied on him very much, and together with Rabbi Yehuda Leib Groner he entrusted them to edit the Sefer Haminhogim – Chabad. Rabbi Greenglasses knowlage in Kabalah was known, and he merited that the Rebbe once referred to him as ‘my Mekubal’.
It was known that Rabbi Greenglass put together a vast library of Seforim, and from letters between the Rebbe and him it was known that he ‘loaned’ many of them to the Rebbe.
A few years ago he suffered an illness, and Chabad communities around the world prayed for his recovery, and he got better and continued in his Hafotza and Chinuch.
His Levaya will take place today in Montreal.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
oiss vorff
ah yid a tzadik…i met him in the dormitory on 5080 barkley , he would come to see how the bacuriem were doing , i was 13—15 , my best years. a gr8 yeshiva @ that time , wow !!! b-d-e
a special person. boruch dayan hoemes
affectionately remembered by the zal bochurim as “THE VOLFINATOR”
from these polishers you can realy learn
what the other person has is lav davka good for me they were hatznei leches people who just wanted to serve hashem with out being big shots they did not get nispoel about cars houses cloth phones vechulu……constantly focused in the derech of Torah and mitzvos so vehachai yiten el libo learn a bit more Tanya or Mishnayos go to the Mikvah say a Kapitul Tehilim Rabbi Greenglass would ask buchrim hasto gezagt brochos heint in der fri he was very carful in washing negel vaser the right way he encouraged people to answer to Kaddish and not to talk in middel of davening to daven bmesinus with a littel more kavana he would ask hasto gebentsht noch esen lunch. oib nisht a tikun far dem is tzu lernen gants birchas hane’enin. He would say something like this ich zeh do hast nisht fargesen unton di hoizen. They realy lived yidishkeit they talk the talk and walked the walk even when life was hard they never gave excuses they wanted to be at the minyan even in three feet of snow and so on with all the stories there are you can fill up a gantze shafe
for sivah call 5147356008
Shlome Seldowitz
I never met Rabbi Greenglass unfortunately. But his legend as a great mashpiya was transmitted to me as a bachur, from his talmid, Rabbi Yossi Bronstein of Miami.
Once the bachurim there had to make kiddush levana, but it was cloudy every night, and we could not see the moon.
Rabbi Bronstein handed a bachur a hankerchief, and said: “This worked for Rabbi Greenglass!” He added, “Shake it back and forth, while pointing it at the moon.”
The clouds cleared for a minute, we could see the moon, and the bachurim made kiddush levana.
Boruch Dayen HaEmes.
To #4, he was certainly not known as that when i was in Montreal. As someone that deeply admired Reb Volf, I find that name insulting.
If that is indeed how he was known by the bochurim when you were there,I can only say we have a serious challenge of yeridas hodoros.
Surie… I am so saddened by this news! Although I no longer live in Mtl, I remember your father with great fondness as one of the pillars of our close knit community.
I hope that the wonderful memories of your very special father will help ease the pain of your loss. Moshiach should come speedily already and reunite you with those you’ve lost.
Hamokom yenacheim eschem b’soich shaarei avolei tzion u’v’yerusholayim.
With great fondness and sadness,
hamokom is said after the levaye
his levaye is at 2:pm hamokom you say after
he was a tzadik
a mekubal
a special Yid….
and will be sorely and dearly missed
may he break down the last walls before Moshiach-NOW
and be a ‘gute beter’ for all Yidden
His Favorite niece
one of the unique things about my uncle velvel was that as great as he was he behaved as a simple person. He could relate to anyone no matter what level they were on, or what age. If a bochur ever addressed him as Rabbi Greenglass he would respond “ich bin nisht kein rabbi, ich hais Volf! And like his Rebbe whom he emulated, he greeted everyone with a sincere heartwarming smile, and a hello that was like ”an amolikeh Sholom Aleichem”. He will be sorely missed, but hopefully he will be instrumental in finally bringing about the revelation of Moshiach and we will once again be reunited, but this time forever!
His Favorite niece
one of the unique things about my uncle velvel was that as great as he was he behaved as a simple person. He could relate to anyone no matter what level they were on, or what age. If a bochur ever addressed him as Rabbi Greenglass he would respond “ich bin nisht kein rabbi, ich hais Volf! And like his Rebbe whom he emulated, he greeted everyone with a sincere heartwarming smile, and a hello that was like ”an amolikeh Sholom Aleichem”. He will be sorely missed, but hopefully he will be instrumental in finally bringing about the revelation of Moshiach and we will once again be reunited, but this time forever!
EY Yid -- Nisht a Chabadnik
I had the zechus to live in Montreal for one year. Rav Greenglass was a true chosid and a true eved Hashem.
To this day, I have witnessed only two emese mekubalim who clearly had a dvaikus that allowed them to bring down special powers from der Erbishter…AND RAV GREENGLASS was one.
OY. Nobody can replace him. OY what a loss for klal yisroel.