Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Rabbi Mendy Deren OBM
Mendy Deren at his Bar Mitzvah Aliyah with the Rebbe. Photo Credit: The Living Archive.
With great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the extremely untimely passing of Shliach Rabbi Mendy Deren OBM.
Mendy is survived by his parents, Yisrael and Vivi Deren, and his wife Sarah, as well as brothers and sisters.
Updated: The Levaya will take place today, Friday, and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadaas Chaples at 11:15am and will be passing by 770 at around 12:00pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Mosiach Now! Ad Mosai!
Boruch Dyan Emes,so sad
Aibeshter… Aibeshter…….WHY?????
so sad
this is so tragic and sad, we need moshiach quickly to heal all those that need a refuah
Boruch Dayan Ha-emes
It is so befitting that his levayah will be attended by all shluchim from around the globe. We have lost a brother.
unbelievable! And what GREAT parents….
Hamakom yenchem….
moshiach now!!
may his neshama have the greatest aaliyah
Rabbi Wineberg
Mendy will be sorely missed by his friends who admired his courage his heart and his conviction.