With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Ben Tzion Lipsker, the head Shliach in Arad, Israel. He passed today, Wednesday afternoon in an Israeli hospital. Rabbi Lipsker, 65 passed after battling a serious illness.

In addition to being the head Shliach in Arad, Rabbi Lipsker served as the chief rabbi of the city and also served in the Chabad Rabbinical Bais Din in Israel.

He is survived by his wife Sarah and his children, Chana Mendelson (Arad, Israel), Esther Druk (Omrim, Israel), Rut Hilman (Petach Tikva, Israel) and Nechamah Kozlovsky (Kfar Chabad, Israel). And his brothers, Zalmen Lipsker (Philadelphia, PA) and Eli Lipsker (Crown Heights).

The Levaya will be Thursday at 10am at his home in Arad. He will be buried on Mount Olives in Jerusalem.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Rabbi Ben Tzion Lipsker OBM

With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Ben Tzion Lipsker, the head Shliach in Arad, Israel. He passed today, Wednesday afternoon in an Israeli hospital. Rabbi Lipsker, 65 passed after battling a serious illness.

In addition to being the head Shliach in Arad, Rabbi Lipsker served as the chief rabbi of the city and also served in the Chabad Rabbinical Bais Din in Israel.

He is survived by his wife Sarah and his children, Chana Mendelson (Arad, Israel), Esther Druk (Omrim, Israel), Rut Hilman (Petach Tikva, Israel) and Nechamah Kozlovsky (Kfar Chabad, Israel). And his brothers, Zalmen Lipsker (Philadelphia, PA) and Eli Lipsker (Crown Heights).

The Levaya will be Thursday at 10am at his home in Arad. He will be buried on Mount Olives in Jerusalem.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • anonim

    R’ BenZion AH is actually survived by nine brothers KAH, including the 2 you mentioned in the US. They include R’ Tzvi Hirsch (?) (HyperLipsker supermarket in Kfar Chabad), R’ Mordechai (Moti), Lod, R’ Pesachya, Nachlas Har Chabad, R’ Yisroel, Rechovot, and he also leaves behind four sisters whose names I do not know.

    BDE! AdMosai!!

  • may he rest in peace!!!!

    his sisters names are Tzivia,Rivkah,Zahavah,Batsheva.
    barach dayan haemes!!!!

  • menachem piekarski

    from the 4 sisters that he has i know 2 of them mainly mrs batsheva feigenson from 690 empire & mrs zehava perlow from 784 montgomery st.

  • chayah chohen

    rabbi benzion lipsker obm is survived by his 4 sisters mrs.batshwva feigenson, mrs.zehava perlow, mrs.zivia grosman,and mrs.rivkah raskin,and 8 brothers shichyu ,reb berke may hashem should send him fefuah shliema vekrovah with agmar chatimah tovah to all.motti ,yosef yizchak,ptachya.eli,menachem,zalmen,and israel lipsker .may hashem should send the familiy shyichyu alot off simches with agmar chatimah tovah leshana tovah vemetuka

  • anonim

    8 or 9? Rabbetzin Malka Lipsker AH was profiled in a Chabad publication at the time of her petira and the article said she had a minyan of sons. Or is Rav BenZion AH predeceased by another brother?

  • RAbbi Bentzion!

    yes Bentzion is precedding one of his brothers, unfortunatly, his name was Tzvi hirsh AH
    may Hashem Send the Lipsker family only simchas,
    he left behind a MASSIVE family and extended Family!! KAH

  • anonim

    Thank you! I got R’ Tzvi Hirsch AH confused with the grocer in Kfar Chabad whose name is DovBer (Berke) and also needs a refuah shelema.

  • Chaim Becker

    He also has a brother Menachem Man that lives in the Yaffo section of Tel Aviv