RV Company Helps Enable 8 Days of Mivtzoim
With Chanukah this year starting on Sunday, a day that RV rental companies are closed, the Mitzvah Tank Org. made special arrangements to have them open Motzai Shabbos so that the tanks can start going on Mivtzoim on Sunday starting from the very first light.
Rabbi Moishe Schmukler co-director of the Mitzvah Tank Org. flew to Arizona, the corporate headquarters of Cruise America, to meet with the CEO and Vice President to arrange all the details.
“This year being Hakel there was a big shturem to do tanks and for the first time in history there are 35 Mitzvah Tanks dispersed all over the NYC Metropolitan area for Chanukah, arranged by the junior tankistim from all the yeshivas” he said.
The Mitzvah Tanks will take part in the world’s largest annual Menorah Parade, on Motzai Shabbos, 30 Kislev, Dec 12, the seventh night of Chanukah, at 6:15pm sharp.
Parade Registration
Registration for the world’s largest menorah parade in the world is now open at www.menorahparade.nyc
The Mitzvah Tank Organization has begun their preparations, for the largest Menorah Parade, which will conquer the NYC streets. Please help spread the light of the parade, by taking the entire family on Mivtzoim and purchasing Menorah kits.
To keep things organized, the NYPD requires that a copy of each parade participant’s driver’s license, and registration be left with them. Therefore all those that wish to participate in the parade, MUST submit their license, and registration via the registration system. Those who do not register will not be able to participate.
The Mitzvah Tank Organization would like to thank the NYPD, and the 71st precinct for making this year parade possible.
We encourage all participants to become a parade VIP by sponsoring your car Aside from having the Zechus of participating in the costs of this Major Mivtza Chanukah, the VIPs will also lead the parade.
We request that those participating in the parade should arrive on time.
Don’t delay as registration closes Thursday, 28 Kislev, Dec 10, at 10:00pm.
For more info, call the parade hotline @ 718-804-0077 Ext. 129
The parade is being organized by the Mitzvah Tank Organization, under the auspicious of Lubavitch Youth Organization.
The Mitzvah Tanks will take part in the world’s largest annual Menorah Parade, on Motzai Shabbos, 30 Kislev, Dec 12, the seventh night of Chanukah, at 6:15pm sharp.