Bnos Chomesh Spreads Light Throughout Chanukah
This Chanukah, the students of Bnos Chomesh Academy were very busy, spreading the light and warmth of the holiday almost non-stop from beginning to end.
It all began a few days before Chanukah. On Yud Tes Kislev, the 11th and 12th grades of Bnos Chomesh visited Machon Chana, where the girls studied Ma’amer Ata Tetzaveh together with the Machon Chana students.
Both groups immensely enjoyed the experience. The learning was done l’iluy nishmas Gitta bas Reb Refoel, the one and only Mrs. Gansburg, OBM, beloved dorm mother of Machon Chana.
Meanwhile, the ninth and tenth grades took the subway to the upper west side of Manhattan and spread the Chanukah spirit around Broadway from 79th street all the way up to 86th St.
Armed with a Dreidel costume and postcard invitations to Chabad of the West Side’s “Chanukah on Ice” party in Central Park, the girls spent the afternoon “lighting up” the faces of hundreds of passersby in New York City.
Rabbi and Mrs. Alevsky, the sponsoring Shluchim, were so awed by the spirit of the BCA girls when just a few days later, another group of girls returned to the Central Park area to help set up and serve at the big event.
But this was only the beginning of the BCA Chanukah festivities. On Tuesday a group of 11th and 12th graders visited Chabad Girls’ Academy and made a Chanukah party for a group of 7th and 8th graders.
Wednesday, and the students were off to Home Depot in Williamsburg. Yossi Stern, one of the school’s board members, had organized a menorah-doughnut giveaway in the aisles of Home Depot. The girls greeted staff, customers and spread more Chanukah cheer.
On Thursday, a group of girls headed back to Manhattan, but this time their mission was teaming up with the NCFJE to bring toys to hospitalized children at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. They befriended beautiful little 14-month-old Ella and her mother. Ella just finished four rounds of chemo for a brain tumor, and the girls have added her to their Tehillim lists.
But BCA’s campaign to light up the world did not end there. Another group of students headed to downtown Brooklyn with Rabbi Reuven Flamer and a film crew. There they handed out yet more Menorahs and participated in a beautiful public Menorah lighting.
And besides all the giving, the girls were treated to a stupendous Chanukah party of their own! The school was transformed into a winter wonderland by phenomenal Bnos Chabad heads, Leah Nash and Rochel Sputz, and the girls enjoyed fresh homemade doughnuts and lots of Chanuka fun.
The highlight of the night was the hypnotist who enthralled the girls with laughs aplenty. The Bnos Chabad heads also turned the school hallway into a bowling alley and the girls who got a strike earned themselves privileges, such as a late pass or lunch off premises.
Looking to squeeze in one more drop of kindness, some girls gave of themselves once again on Tuesday. Arranged once again by the NCFJE, a car of Bnos Chomesh students brought gifts and smiles the sick children and Kingbrook Hospital.
Bnos Chomesh has an active PTA this year, led by resource room director Avigail Gribov and Chana PInson. The PTA raised funds to give each student a gift card for one of their favorite eateries. They also gave each staff member a generous gift for Chanukah, thanking them for their personal care for the girls.
Info please
Can someone please put the record straight: WHERE is Bnos Chomesh located? In NY somewhere or elsewhere? Is it a HS or ES?
HS in CH
its a high school in crown heights
LEAH SANDHAUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U ROCK!!! UR SO AWESOME!!!! WOOOT WOOOT!!! SO GLAD TO SEE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bnos Chomesh is in Crown Heights
The school is located on East New York between Kingston and Brooklyn.
Maybe you are confusing it with another school, Bais Chomesh, which is in Toronto.