Videos: Mivtzoim Done Right
An Israeli tourist visiting Pittsburgh came across a couple of young Lubavitcher Bochurim doing Mivtzoim last Friday afternoon. Their warmth, sincerity and joy touched the man, who filmed the encounter and posted the videos to his Facebook page under the title “Ashreinu Sheyesh Lanu Am Kazeh” (How lucky we are to have a nation like this).
Post by Sefi Benishu.
Post by Sefi Benishu.
Rabbi Gratz
This is what every Jewish Scientist wants for their kids to have a Jewish Experience in New York in Moderation, and in a wrapped up fashion,
and then off to a healthy life
who are the chosen clowns? Ashreninu?
Shlomo HaLevi
Normally don’t comment, but had to defend the way he tefillin was treated…like a gardenhose.
So proud to have him with us this year as one of our shluchim to the yishiva
Local Pittsburgher
He isn’t a tourist.. He lives in Pittsburgh;)
I know him personally…
Either way, it’s still a beautif video and very inspiring!
Your friend mg
Way to go binyomin keep it up!
Cholent Mit Kugel
Murray Avenue Kosher Market! Woo hoo!
Warmflash all the way!!!
That’s binyomin for you.
To #1 and #2
Seriously?! This guys put on tfilin with thousands (literally) of ppl and inspired many to put on ad take other hachlotos and the only thing u could come up with was criticism?! Seriously?!?!
the way i see it
the tefillin are spinning with joy at having the opportunity to elicit to so many enthusiastic Jews at once. the tefillin are also singing ashreinu!
Shlomo HaLevi
#8 Seriously…just wanted to defend the sanctity of the tefillin..not just criticize. If taht was my main intention, there are much more serious issues I could pick, but as I mentioned, “normally don’t comment”