JNet: Make a Chavrusa for Your 11 Nissan Hachlata
JNet’s over the phone one-on-one chavrusa program is designed to cater to the individual by offering a Torah subject of choice at a time and place that is convenient for both teacher and student.
As Chassidim of the Rebbe, we are always on the lookout for ways to fulfill our shlichus. This Yud Alef Nissian, JNet is giving you the opportunity to give the Rebbe a beautiful birthday present by volunteering to learn with someone with JNet and get five tickets into a raffle for a Nexus7.
For half an hour a week over the phone with a topic you are comfortable with and at a time that is convenient for you, you can have an enormous life-changing impact on a fellow Jew.
As James from Engelwood, CO says, “I have a great Hebrew teacher who is becoming a good, encouraging friend! JNet is one of the best programs out there that helps Jews learn some of the basic fundamental subjects we need to learn and understand. Your teacher gets to know you personally; you pretty much have your own rabbi!”
If you do not have the time to learn with someone yourself, you can help support JNet by sponsoring a chavrusa for $18 a month, which gets you an entry to the Nexus 7 raffle. A donation of $36 gets you three entries, $54 gets five entries, and $90 gets ten entries!
Volunteer or donate today at www.jnet.org/raffle.
JNet is a division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and was established with a generous grant from the Rohr Foundation.