Mariashi Groner to Deliver Kinus Hashluchos Keynote
Ahead of the upcoming International Conference of Shluchos, the organizers have announced that Mrs. Mariashi Groner of Charlotte, North Carolina, will be delivering the keynote address at the Gala Banquet.
The Kinus Vaad is pleased to announce that Mrs. Mariashi Groner of Charlotte, North Carolina, will address the theme of ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם at the upcoming Kinus Hashluchos Gala Banquet 5778 (2018).
Mariashi and her husband are directors of Chabad of Charlotte, a bustling center of Yiddishkeit.
Mariashi established her preschool in 1989. Today she is the Director of the Charlotte Jewish Day School. Her expertise in Chinuch is sought after both in Charlotte and around the world. Her many years of experience on Shlichus will surely uplift and inspire the audience.
The Banquet will take place on Sunday 26 of Shvat, (February 11) at the New York Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan.