Sixteen Epic Moments from the Kinus Hashluchim
During the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries, rabbis and guests from around the world came to Crown Heights, Brooklyn for a chance to improve their craft, reconnect with old friends and gain inspiration for the year to come.
Many of these special moments were shared on social media with the #Kinus hashtag.
Below is my list of the sixteen most epic moments of the 30th annual #Kinus 5774-2013.
[Update: Check out JTA staff writer Ben Sales‘ reaction to this list here.]
1. The Chabad rabbi who doesn’t quit – even in the taxi from the airport.
“Thank G-d the city is a lot safer today. I’m not religious but I’m a proud Jew”! #themissionneverstops #kinus pic.twitter.com/TcZZecAtxJ
— Rabbi Chaim (@youngchabad) October 31, 2013
2. The chance to learn from experts and scholars:
“How to inspire your children” Rabbi Glucowsky from Israel. Powerful advice! #kinus pic.twitter.com/BZwGGxyiZr
— Rabbi Berel Levertov (@rabbiberel) October 31, 2013
3. The #Rabbi who got #excited about #Hashtags at #Kinus:
4. The most epic start to #Movember in the world:
Chabad Rabbis celebrate #NoShaveNovember all year. #Kinus #cheerthebeards pic.twitter.com/xzNPfFydIQ
— Rabbi Yossi Lazaroff (@AggieRabbi) November 3, 2013
5. Young Shluchim getting a special kosher treat:
children from the world at #chabad #Kinus eat kosher candy they never get in far off cities #thingsthatinspireme pic.twitter.com/RFbcRFs5Gi
— The Intown Chabad (@TheIntownChabad) November 1, 2013
6. The quiet moments of connection between two friends who haven’t seen each other in a year:
7. The chance to reflect and reconnect with the mission we’re on:
Rabbis from around the world went to the Rebbe’s resting place to reflect on their mission. #Kinus pic.twitter.com/TshtjMMLzb
— Chabad.org (@Chabad) November 2, 2013
8. The guest who realized that Chabad was doing Social Media back when records and rotary-phones weren’t just retro:
9. The annual group shot of Chabad emissaries from around the world:
10. The photographer for the group shot who had to somehow fit thousands of Rabbis into one frame:
And the Chabad Rabbi who found a meaning behind it…
#DonHolloway (#kinus photographer) “If u can see the lens, you are in the picture.” How poetic, so true of staying in focus of our mission.
— Mendel Rubin (@shabboshouse) November 3, 2013
11. Finally being able to hear what exactly taking that picture actually sounds like:
12. That moment you walk through the entrance of the banquet hall:
…and realize that you’ve stepped into something truly immense…
Serving 5,400 ppl. Don’t try this at home! #Kinus pic.twitter.com/noHmqm2EZt
— Motti Seligson (@mottiseligson) November 4, 2013
13. The message of this year’s conference:
Tonight’s theme is the mission of bringing light into darkness. #kinus
— Chabad.org (@Chabad) November 3, 2013
…and the lesson learned from it by someone on the other side of the world…
“@Chabad: Tonight’s theme is the mission of bringing light into darkness. #kinus” @MitchellCohen93 next @Leeds_JSoc Friday night theme ?
— Anthony Renton (@AnthonyjRenton) November 3, 2013
14. Senator Lieberman addressing the crowd:
15. The timeless lessons taught by Rabbi Dov Greenberg:
Jewish history knocks on the doors of our hearts. We must open the hearts of the entire Jewish nation. Destiny is in our hands. #kinus
— Eli Rubin (@Eli_Rubin) November 4, 2013
Judaism isn’t endangered by great acts of betrayal. Rather through small acts of apathy. We have to turn it around. Bring in warmth #kinus
— Chabad.org (@Chabad) November 4, 2013
16. And the ecstatic joy of dancing at the end:
S.A. team dancing at #kinus pic.twitter.com/fl6dBUmafD
— Rabbi Ari Shishler (@Rabbishish) November 4, 2013