Jewish Couple Murdered in Front of 4 Children
A Jewish husband and wife were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in front of four of their six children near the Israeli settlement of Itamar. The victims of the terror attack were identified as Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin from Neria.
From Arutz 7:
A shooting attack took place just after 9 p.m. on Thursday night, with initial reports indicating two people in their 30s were killed in the gunfire.
MDA volunteers said that the victims were a man and a woman and that they were dead when the volunteers arrived on the scene. They had suffered wounds in the upper body.
Four children were in the vehicle. The children are aged four months, four years, 7 and 9. They were unhurt and did not require evacuation to hospital.
An MDA paramedic, Boaz Malka, said that upon arrival, “We saw a car in the middle of the road, with a man in his 30s lying next to it with wounds to the upper body. Inside the vehicle, a woman in her 30s was seated, also with serious wounds to the upper body. They were without signs of life and regrettably we had to determine that they were dead on the spot.”
The attack occurred near Beit Furik, between the towns of Itamar and Elon Moreh, located southeast of Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria.
Ma Rabbi
The Settler leaders asked the Israeli Govt to keep that road closed to Arab cars but the “liberals” did not listen. Now two innocent young Jews are dead and 6 children are orphans R”L. May Hashem avenge their blood.
Hashem yerachem. Rabbi Henkin wrote a sefer a few years ago about bugs in vegetables, making an argument for a more lenient derech of psak in this area. His father is R Yehuda Herzl Henkin, author of ShuT Benei Vonim, and his elter-zeide was the famous Rav Yosef Eliyohu Henkin, one of the most important poskim in American history.
ukedai bizoyon,,,,
A great grandson of Rav Henkin and a talmid chochom in his own right
Hashem Yinkom Domom!
So sad
ukedai bizoyon,,,,
this is a lnk to his blog with various Torah and historical essays
add mitzvos right now, in their memory.
chesed, ahavas yisroel, ….