Torah, Tefilah and Tzedakah in the UN GA Hall


NEW YORK, NY — ElAl’s Unity Sefer Torah, which began in the Rebbes Room and has been traveling around the world, made a stop in the United Nations General Assembly hall in New York City on the third night of Chanukah.

In the very hall, which the Rebbe referred to as shroud in the darkness of lies, and where much anti-Israel and outright anti-Semitism has been vocalized, a great light has been brought in with the Sefer Torah for the Unification of all Jews being written on the table where Israel’s representatives sit.

Together with Sofer Rabbi Moshe Klein ElAl’s CEO Mr. Eliezer Shkedi, along with ElAl employess and the Israeli Ambassador to the UN Mr. Ron Prosor sat down in the hall and filled in the letters on the Torahs final sheet.

The Posuk they completed spoke of G-d promise to our forefathers to give the land of Israel to their offspring – the Jews. Rabbi Klein explained the meaning and importance of the Posuk and how G-d eternal promise will stand and no one has the right to subvert that promise.

The group was very moved and Rabbi Klein seized the moment and suggested that ambassador Prosor lay Teffilin right there in the hall of great darkness, after all that had transpired there by those that wish destruction upon the state of Israel and the Jewish nation, there was an even greater need to ‘cleanse’ the air by doing Mitzvot.

Ambassador Prosor agreed wholeheartedly and rolled up his shirt sleeve and Rabbi Klein put him on Tefillin. While he was adorned in the Tefillin Rabbi Klein turned to the crowd and excitedly told them that the spiritual awakening is trumendus, that after writing in the letters of a holy Sefer Torah and the commission of Mitzvas Tefillin it was appropriate that everyone recite a special prayer.

The crowd stood up and emotionally, just like the prayers of Yom Kippur, called out in a single voice word for word “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Aloikeinu, Hashem Echad” [“Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One.”].

There was not a dry eye in the hall after the powerful and historic stand that took place in the room.


  • so proud!

    Rabbi Moshe Klein,
    You are the most awesome ever!!!
    keep up all your wonderful work.
    A true Chassid always seizes the opportunity to put tefillin on another yid.