Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat at the Oslo Accords in 1993 that created the Palestinian Authority.

U.S. Jury: P.A. Responsible for Terror Attacks in Israel

A U.S. jury has concluded today that the Palestinian Authority is responsible for terrorist attacks in Israel that killed or wounded Americans, and awarded the victims $218.5 million in damages.

The jury reached its decision today, Monday, at a civil trial in federal court in Manhattan.

The plaintiffs sued the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority in 2004 under the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act. The law allows victims of U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations to seek compensation. The law could allow for the PA’s penalty to be tripled.

The plaintiffs said internal documents showed that the Palestinian authorities authorized six attacks from 2002 to 2004 that harmed 10 American families. The PA’s defense attorneys argued that the attackers acted on their own.


  • Yossel

    Let’s see how quickly the Arabs pay out. I think they already spent their budget on paying the families of suicide bombers, anti-Semitic educational programs for the little Arab children, as well as bribes and kickbacks for the party bosses.

    • Milhouse

      It’s not up to them. Any assets they have can be seized. Not just in the USA but in Israel. The taxes that Israel collects for them can and have been garnisheed for such judgments.