700 Attend ‘A Hope to Heal’ Inaugural Luncheon
“Chani, can you join the conference call today, the event committee will be discussing the luncheon?” That’s how it started for me. R’ Yoel Brill in his signature, ‘nothing but the best’ style was creating a ladies event to launch his organization called A Hope to Heal.
After years of working with cancer related issues, Yoel has now branched out to help others who have other life threatening diseases that do not fit under the cancer umbrella. When he realized that there was a gaping hole that needed to be filled, he stepped up to the plate. Insurance premiums can be quite costly when it comes to life threatening illnesses. In fact it’s often the second highest stress after the illness itself. Oftentimes, the difference between a good outcome and a bad outcome is the care the person receives. When that stress is eliminated the patient is better able to concentrate on their recuperation.
Founding a Hope to Heal was the first step in filling this desperate need. The word needed to get out, and a ladies luncheon was a perfect idea. The venue was chosen, the Raleigh Hotel, a central place that is easily accessible. The theme, program, and menu had to be decided upon. The event committee loved the idea of personal health. After all, what better way to combat illness? The luncheon was an elegant affair, a beautiful 3 course menu and the best speakers were lined up for the event.
R’ Yoel Brill explained what a Hope to Heal is, and why it is so imperative in our community. He spoke about the close to 40 patients whom the organization had already helped in the short time of its existence.
Shevy Grossberg, the well renowned MC, warmed up the crowd of close to 700 women from the surrounding colonies with some inspiring words, and beseeched the crowd to sign up for the “Ignite 4 Hope” program, where women will receive a name of a choleh to have in mind by Licht Benching.
The next speaker was Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. He opened the program with his talk about V’chai Bochem and how it pertains to us today with regards to our health.
Rabbi Shais Taub spoke eloquently about how life treats us the way we treat life. He captivated the audience with humor and philosophy.
Tanya Rosen, the nutritionist par excellence that has a following all over the world came to give some tips on healthy eating. Some of her tips were truly enlightening. Choosing the nine days to make such an event, to involve the community in an act of ahavas yisroel of this magnitude, was especially appropriate. We hope for the imminent coming of Moshiach when all illnesses will be gone, and acts of selflessness and Ahavas Yisroel will come from only happy occurrences.
A Hope to Heal would like to express their hakaras hatov to all the hosts and sponsors who helped make today’s event possible. Thank You to Eastern Union Funding, Riverside Abstract, Quality Health Care, and Natural & Kosher Cheese.
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It’s a shame when an otherwise nice sign has a misspelled word. In the fourth picture from the bottom the word INAUGURAL is misspelled!