Matzeiva for Leiby Kletzky Somberly Unveiled

Emotions ran high at a small gathering today in Deans, New Jersey, as a hakamas matzeiva was held for Leiby Kletzky, four weeks to the day before the Borough Park boy’s first yahrtzeit on the eleventh of Tammuz.

The Kletzky family was joined by their Rov, Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger, and approximately two dozen others at Washington Cemetery.

Following Tehillim, Kel Maley Rachamim and the singing of Acheinu, those assembled at Leiby’s kever placed stones on the matzeiva, which bore a poignant inscription, describing Leiby as a korban for all of Klal Yisroel, who ultimately served as an inspiration to Jews worldwide.

The matzeiva also portrayed Leiby’s exceptional character praising him as “loved by all those who knew him…excelled in the pleasantness of his middos…thirsted for the word of Hashem and his mitzvos…and had a pleasant face for those who knew him and his rabbeim.

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One Comment

  • Moshiach NOW!

    This Holy Child was of the Highest Neshomos in our world. Maybe if all of us try harder we would be zoche to another like him, and actually see him grow up into the real Tzaddik that our nation needs.