Steinsaltz Gemara Translated into English
A Talmud that took Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz 45 years to translate from ancient Hebrew and Aramaic into modern Hebrew is being published in English.
The first volume of Steinsaltz’s Koren Talmud Bavli is being launched in conjunction with Shavuot, which commemorates the day the Torah was given to the Jewish people. The complete set will comprise 41 volumes.
The Koren Talmud Bavli includes a translation and commentary by Steinsaltz, as well as illustrations and color photographs.
An iPad app will be available in July, according to Koren Publishers Jerusalem.
“The Talmud expresses the deepest Jewish spirit,” Steinsaltz said in a news release. “My hope is that the Koren Talmud Bavli will render the Talmud accessible to millions of Jews, allowing them to study it, approach it, and perhaps even become one with it.”
Steinsaltz, who has written some 60 books, also has established a network of schools in Israel and the former Soviet Union. In 1988, Steinsaltz won the Israel Prize, the country’s highest honor, for his work in Jewish education.
You can read a fantastic review of the new translation by clicking here: http://sustainable-jewish-s…
DeClasse- Intellectual
I have the complete set of the Random House edition of the Steinsalz gemoras. The price for volumes on the used book market is outrageous. The volumes are well organized and directed; any one can really learn a blott of germora if he applies himself. The Steinsaltz commentary and notes are out of
this world. The reason why Random House stopped publication is (1) it took so long and too many volumes to cover one tracte–average about six @ 45 per volume (2) Art Scroll started its projects and (3) some leading Rabbonim attacked the book because it did not follow the traditional format of the Vilnus Shass, and thus.
My take, it is not a coffee table display item but a serious sefer. It provides someone who has little background or knowledge with a possitblity to gain a good understanding, explination and foundation as an introduction to Germora study and the next step is the ArtScroll or an yeshiva.
so the question, does anyone know more information about how to obtain this Sefer and the price of said work?
great news
The original hebrew version can be read every week in the Dvar Malchus booklet now on Sota & weekly on wherever they’re holding in daf yomi
You can purchase it here:…
so excited
is it for sale yet?
Michoel Dovid
It’s being put out by Koren publishers. 41 volumes. Berachos is available now. Shabbos will be coming out soon. You can sign up for a standing order to receive the as they come out. On Koren’s website you can download a sample page.
There is a large full sized volume in color that sells for $49.95. There is a smaller Daf Yomi size in black and white for $39.95.
Elucidated commentary, side notes with the halacha, practical background explains objects and ideas, and a notes section explaining a unique idea or two from various commentaries.
The Hebrew/Aramaic side has nikudos. The text is clear. Sadly no Torah Ohr HaShalom like Oz VeHadar where the possuk referred to is printed on the side. There is just the reference in Rashi script.
Overall, it looks very nice. It seems to be easy to read and learn from. For people getting into things more, this will be great. And even for those who can learn, but English is a main language for them, Rabbi Steinsaltz always does a great job and they will learn some new things as well.