Rachel Efrat Atias, the 7-year-old girl who survived a horrific accident in Tiveria during the night, told rescue workers “I tried to wake abba and ima but they would not get up”.
“I Couldn’t Wake Abba or Ima”
Rachel Efrat Atias, the 7-year-old girl who survived a horrific accident in Tiveria during the night, told rescue workers “I tried to wake abba and ima but they would not get up”.
She was the only survivor; her entire family – six siblings and two parents – were killed in the crash.
The niftarim are Rabbi Rafael Atias, 42, principal of a Tzfat yeshiva, his wife Yehudit, 42, Avia (female-17), a student in a Meron ulpana (high school), twins Elyashiv and Neria Shimon (16), Shira (11), Ta’ir (girl-8) and Noah (girl – 4). Levaya details have not yet been released.
Area resident 52-year-old Eli Lankry told Walla News “I was in bed watching TV and at about 01:20 my wife and I heard screams and then an awful smashing noise. We did not understand what was taking place. When I got out of bed to look out the window I saw a vehicle in flames. I ran out without a shirt but the vehicle was engulfed in flames. I could not do a thing. It looked like a battlefield. The entire area was scorched.
“Suddenly, I saw a small girl running to me shouting ‘they are all dead! There’re all dead!’ She appeared quite confused. I gave her a hug and brought her to police that already arrived on the scene. I went back to the burning vehicle and began shouting at the people, but realized there did not hear me – it was too late, they were all dead. I began looking in the area of the vehicle for people who may have survived. Sadly, only the girl survived. It was horrific. It was total silence”.
Tiveria Mayor Zohar Oved arrived at the scene too, simply stating the “sight was catastrophic”.
A neighbor of the family, Yigal Lugosi told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) “The news arrived in our community during the early hours. The entire community is shocked and stunned. We simply cannot digest the magnitude of what occurred. Anywhere you walk you hear people crying and screams. It’s a tragedy. It was a wonderful family. The tragedy cannot be described. The community is simply torn apart”.
What happened?
Fell asleep? I hate to think this way, but, unfortunately, it is a most common cause of “night” accidents. Once I fell asleep before I knew it. My wife screamed and holded steering wheel and that save the situation. Since then, I do not drive at night.
That poor, poor girl. What she now has to live with…
Lonny C.
Number 1: SAME HERE FOR SURE. I learned my lesson years ago, trying to be super-father driving at night from Buffalo to New York on the thruway. What a mistake. B”H I am alive to tell a story to my grandchildren. Always stop driving by maariv and check into a Microtel or whatever. Relax and enjoy the scenery in some off the highway hotel, it’s worth it.
oy !!!
no the brakes werent working
To #1
Don’t be so quick to judge if you read the Israeli news the driver called the police before he crashed and told them that his car was malfunctioning!
brake failer
If you read the information right he had a brake problem and could not control the car
Here-s what happened
The brakes on the car went. He lost control because of that. He did not fall asleep or anything of the sort.
soooooooooooo saddddddd hashem help!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment 1
Stop deciding how you would never have had the problem…. And no they did not fall asleep, their brakes failed am
Nd they were on the phone with police as their car slammed in. It sickens me when
People need to show how smart they re and how they would never have fell into that trap. Espessilly when there is no one alive to defend themshelves. Be ashamed of your comment, be very ashamed. Shame on you!
Never assume!!
Nice try #1, if the article was written properly you would know that their brakes failed. This is a great tragedy.
To #1 Driver was not sleeping
Where do you get your incorrect and slanderous info that the driver ‘fell asleep’?
In light of this tragic accident, in which the car’s brakes failed, it would be a good idea for people to know what to do if they are in such a situation chas v’shalom. Following are the guidelines given by the National Safety Council. Perhaps this would be worthy of a separate posting in itself, to help save other lives. Please share it with your friends, relatives and colleagues.
10 Steps to Safety
The National Safety Council recommends the following steps if your brakes suddenly fail:
1. Downshift immediately
Putting the car in a lower gear allows the engine to slow the car, and may give you enough time to be able to safely pull over. Whether you’re driving an automatic or a manual, try to downshift smoothly through the gears. If you downshift too quickly, you risk a skid. Do not shut off the car to stop it, as you’ll lose your power steering, and do not put the car in neutral or you will lose the engine braking effect.
2. Try the emergency brake, but don’t depend on it to stop you
If you’re driving a car with a good, strong emergency brake, go ahead and use it. In cars with manual transmissions, the emergency brake is often operated via a hand-activated lever located behind the shifter, while in many automatics you use a small pedal located on the far left of the driver. It helps to try your emergency brake out at slow speeds to see how much stopping power it really has.
3. Work your vehicle into the right lane as soon as you can
Move toward the right shoulder of the road, or, if possible, toward an exit. If it is necessary to change lanes, do so smoothly and carefully, watching your mirrors and the traffic around you closely.
4. Stay off the gas pedal
Perhaps this goes without saying, but do not touch the gas pedal. Your goal, right now, is to slow down, pull over and safely stop.
5. Check for brake pedal blockage
Believe it or not, debris such as as soda cans or bottles, coffee cups, rolls of paper towels and other items bouncing around in the cockpit can wedge behind your brake pedal, preventing its use. Make sure the pedal’s path is clear and if not, kick the obstruction out of the way.
6. Pump your brakes only if you have an older car without anti-lock brakes (ABS)
If your car has standard brakes they may respond to pumping, which could build up enough hydraulic pressure to allow them to work again. But many newer cars with ABS will do the pumping for you, so you should firmly press the brake pedal even if the brakes are not working. The brake failure may be temporary and if they suddenly start working again, your foot will be where it needs to be.
7. Alert others
Turn on your hazards and honk your horn until you’re stopped so other motorists will know to give you plenty of room.
8. If you must hit something, aim for something “soft”
This is a judgment call, but a wooden fence is better than a tree, for example — and anything is preferable to hitting a human being.
9. Stay calm
Knowing the steps outlined in this article and being able to perform them should give you the confidence to respond naturally instead of panicking, in the unlikely event that your brakes do fail.
10. Once you’re safely stopped, summon help
Don’t be tempted to drive the car again, even if the brakes suddenly start working. Have the car towed to a repair shop or dealer for inspection and repair.
lama Hashem taamode mayruchok? laama?
It makes me want to cry….. I only hope simcha and brachos for this girl.
Why Hashem why?
I think we all need to thank #13 for the tip.
I know I will now use it.
mushky wrote
what a tragedy..only simchos should be for this special child
Kol Am Yisroel
Hashem please have Rachmanus on your Yiddishe Kinderlach!
Dai Dai Lagalut! Moshiach Now! Ub’asid tihiye Brocho Ad Bli Dai!
#13 Thank you so much!
Thank you so much #13!!! I just memorized the steps. Chas v’shalom, i should never need them. such a tragedy!!! Moshiach now!!!!!