Little Gabriel Was Named for Mumbai Victim
Gabriel Sandler, 3, who was gunned down at point blank range in Toulouse Monday, was named after Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, who was murdered in Mumbai just before he was born.
Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg told Arutz Sheva that he was informed of this by a member of the Sandler family.
The rabbi said that the murder in Toulouse brings back the memory of the terrible day, 39 months ago, when he lost his daughter Rivki Holtzberg and her husband R’ Gavriel. The fact that one of the victims was named for Gavriel makes the event even more chilling for him, he said.
With a shaking voice, Rav Rosenberg quoted Psalms 30:10, which asks G-d: “What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit?”
The rabbi then asked: “G-d, what do you want from our blood, which is being spilled all over the world?”
Rabbi Rosenberg thanked the Israeli government for bringing the bodies of the dead to burial in Israel. He called on people all over the world to join forces in fighting terror, and never to say “It won’t happen to me.”
“it’s so sad”
Chutzpah Yazgeh
To No 2 - Are you retarded?
Pure Apikorsus. Be angry at the Moslem Murderer – not Hashem -He is with us in Golus and crying together with us.
Im no Apikoirus!
what a precious boy! baruch dayaan haemes!
Right on number 2. They did prnt it and you have a legitimate taaneh!!!!!! Hashem says Pru Urvu and when we listen he takes them back so what is the point. As the Rebbe said Hashem has what to answer for…..!!!!!
So sad
Unbelievable. so very very sad
Ad Mosai
More chilling information: His name was Gavriel Issakhar. His first name was named after Gavriel Holtzberg, and his second name Issakhar was this childs great grandfather, whose yartzeit was on the same exact day of this attack.
Shoiteh Atzum
Number 2, you are an Apikorus, and writing words of chiruf v’giduf…
You fail to comprehend even one iota of Jewish Theology, Chassidic Mysticism, the Derech of Talmidei Habesht, the Berdichiver, Alter Rebbe, and the Rebbe.There is a Jewish approach on how to understand suffering, pain,negative phenomena that occur in our world.
But don’t let this get to you, keep on enjoying the Jewish star mixed concert, and your sushi for dinner.
#2 is kefirah please remore comment
Hkb’h is a rachmon and we should all learn from His midos.
We don’t always understand it and we are obligated to cry out when we see such tradagies. Rachmanah denu l’svirei liba, aneinu. anainu.
Number 2
To Number 2;
You’re probably going to be torn apart and yelled at for the words you have written here, but I have to say, rightly or wrongly, I do understand where you are coming from; We are, all of us, in such a state of shock, horror and disbelief at the events of the last couple of days, its hard, so hard, to keep our emunah the way it should be; Nothing seems to make sense, we cannot come to terms with it all, and its a feeling of bewilderment, fear, uncertainty, and so so much pain, like an endless, bottomless pit . .
So before anyone starts shouting, commenting or condemning number 2, bear in mind, its only because of our sentiments at this present moment, because of all that is hitting us every which way possible, as a people, that someone can, and has reacted this way . . .
Hashem , have rachmonus on your people, we really really cannot take anymore . .
AD MOSAI?????????
If Hashem is good and does good & is in complete control of the world why did Hashem allow this to happen?
meilitz yosher
an apikores is someone who knows the whole torah and denies it – not someone who is in pain and cries out… or stam an am ha’aretz! :)
to 13
everything is good, everything is for the best, EVERYTHING IS SENSIBLE, we just can’t make sense of any of it-we don’t understand, we don’t know his overall plan. it’s tough to accept this but it’s matter of fact and that helps me “get through” hard times.
To Chutzpah Yazgeh
Your comment was unusual, but according to a mashpiah that we asked it was not what they are saying against it in the comments. Of course there is nothing to say now that they removed it. Very few are willing to stand up in the face of such things. The mashpiah said it was not improper to demand that Hashem stop such terrible things against His people, and in fact the Rebbe says we must demand and scream out, not because the Rebbe says to, but because we really mean it and feel it. May this spirit of evil be removed forever now.
a NNY goy
So sad, what a beautiful innocent child.
To number9
Even more chilling information:
This past Wednesday, the 27 of Adar was gabi and rivki holtzbergs 10th wedding anniversary