Neo-Nazis Eliminated as Suspects in Toulouse Attack


The suspected paratroopers were cleared by French police.

Three former French soldiers who were believed to be involved in the shooting attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse were questioned and released by French police.

The men, who were dismissed from the military in 2008 for posing with a Nazi flag, have been eliminated as suspects, the French news agency AFP reported Tuesday.

French investigators reportedly still believe that the attack was carried out by right-wing extremists.

A man riding a motorbike opened fire Monday outside the Ozar Hatorah School in Toulouse, where students were waiting to enter the building at the start of the school day, before fleeing. Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, and his two young sons, as well as the 7-year-old daughter of the school’s principal, were killed in the attack.

The school will reopen Wednesday for the first time since the attack, AFP reported.

French Interior Minister Claude Gueant said Tuesday that the gunman may have been filming the attack with a camera attached to his chest. He said that French police are searching the Internet to see if a video of the attack has been posted online, according to reports.


  • The French Police = Incompotence

    The French police are famously incompetent. Dismissing anyone is not proof of anything. They just don’t give a darn about anything except for wine and their pensions.

  • Disgusted

    France is showing the muslim _______ how much they control the country by allowing hundreds of them to block off streets illegally so that they can pray on those streets. blocking traffic for blocks and blocks.The police simply stnad by and allow it knowing full well that it is against the law.

  • A bas la Francistane

    Yemach shemam veyeabed zichram, and may they have a misse meshune, but these three morons with a combined IQ lower than my shoe size look like typical blowhard showoffs who are not capable of much more than bungling a convenience store robbery.

    The French Keystone Kops probably just investigated these three stooges to prove they are not singling out Muslims. It could be a nationalist gangster or a lone nut, but Muslims are not above killing other Muslims whom they consider traitors for serving in an “infidel” army.

  • Fed Up

    All angles must be explored. Even though arab terrorism is the same as nazism, these are 2 terrorists groups, which seek to destroy the Jews from different viewpoints of the spectrum. It would not surprise me if these guys know something about the attack. Antisemites collaborate together, since they have something in common, they hate Jews. However, I am sure that these neo-nazis are not the only suspects. Neo-nazism, arab terrorism, communism, right wing, and left wing antisemitism seek to destroy the Jewish people and their religion as a whole.

  • no picture please

    Why do you need to show pictures of evil people? Help bring Moshiach by showing more positive images. Thank you.