Brothers Poisoned by Pesticides Out of Intensive Care
Boruch Hashem, the two Jerusalem brothers poisoned by pesticides, who have spent the past two weeks fighting for their lives after their two younger sisters succumbed to the poison r”l, have been moved out of intensive care and are seeing steady improvements to their conditions.
From Yeshiva World News:
Michoel Gross, 5, and Yitzchok Gross, 7, arrived in Schneider Children’s Hospital from Shaare Zedek Medical Center a week and a half ago in very serious/unstable condition, connected to ECMO cardiac bypass machines and fighting for their lives. Their frail bodies were severely compromised as a result of prolonged exposure and inhalation of the phosphorus-based pesticide.
Their parents, Shimon and Michal, attribute their refuah to the outpouring of tefilos and concern by Am Yisrael around the world.
Chief of Cardiac Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine, Dr. Ovdei Dagan, said the children are now receiving medicine orally and he feels their respiratory issues have stabilized. He said their muscles have been weakened considerably and they must begin undergoing physical rehabilitation to strengthen their bodies. They will be beginning physical therapy to achieve this.
Please keep updating
Wonderful news,B”H!
Thank you for letting us know!
May they continue healing until they have a complete and total refuah, and may they live and be well until 120, giving nachas and happiness to their parents who have suffered so terribly
We will carry on davenning for them
May they be released from the hospital even sooner than expected. Keep the good news coming.
This is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing!
Boruch hashem boruch hashem boruch hashem!!!
They should be healed immediately,we are all praying for their speedy recovery.yecheskel.London UK.