Condition of Brothers Poisoned by Pesticides Upgraded
Over the weekend doctors at the Schneider Children’s Medical Center said that the conditions of the two young brothers poisoned by pesticides have been upgraded from “serious” to “stable,” and that doctors are discussing the possibility of waking the two from induced anesthesia.
NRG.co.il reports that the brothers, Micahel and Isaac Gross, ages 7 and 5 respectively, have showed enough signs of improvement that their hearts and lungs are now functioning, and that with continued improvement they could be removed from life-support in the coming days.
Schneider Hospital’s Joseph Perez said, “We are excited to announce that Isaac was disconnected from ‘Hakmo’ and his heart is functioning normally. Schneider’s medical team spent the last few days days and nights caring for children and the success is due to our technology as well as dedication of the team.”
Dr. Dagan, director of Schneider’s Intensive Care Unit said, “The little boy in stable condition and the decision to disconnect from the system was made in line with functioning of his heart and his lungs. The situation of the two children is still serious, but stable. Both are still anesthetized and intubated, and doctors say it is too early to estimate when to wake the kids from anesthesia.”
Please continue saying Tehilim for the boys: רפאל יצחק איזייק בן מיכל and his brother חיים מיכאל.
Hodu LaHashem!
Keep praying for the two boys!
It’s a rachmanis on the parents may they only experience joy from now on!
Boruch Hashem.
Thanks for reporting this.
Please keep updating
Thank you so much for the update
May we hear good news very soon, and all should carry on davenning for them
They are in all our hearts, and their parents should know of no more sadness ever again
Besurois toivois
they are at Schneiders in New York?
Im Yirtzah HaShem the children should have a REFUOH SHELEIMA
Moshiach NOW