Controversy Swirls Over Lipa’s Beard Song

A new song on singer Lipa Schmeltzer’s latest album has listeners wondering if perhaps this time the colorful singer has taken things a step too far as he takes on an unusual topic:  beards.

The song, “Where is Your Beard?” an original composition by Schmeltzer, with lyrics also penned by the Chasidic superstar, challenges the notion that a person’s worth can be measured by the length of his beard.  With tongue twisting lyrics the song asks “Yid, yid, where is your beard?  Beard, beard, where is your yid?”

Schmeltzer, who has never been known to shy away from controversial issues, acknowledged that there will be those who may not agree with the message of his song.

“I like to talk about the things that people don’t want to talk about,” explained Schmeltzer.  “It is a good message and the people who like my music will appreciate it.  The people who get upset aren’t the ones who listen to my music anyway.”

Schmeltzer references the words of Pirkei Avos, as well as stories from both the previous Skverer and Satmar Rebbes in the song, to illustrate the old adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

“There was a story about the Satmar Rebbe zt’l, when Mike Tress wanted to daven for the amud and someone told him he couldn’t daven for the amud because he didn’t have a beard,” Schmeltzer told VIN News.  “The Satmar Rebbe explained that a person’s appearance isn’t what really matters.

Some Jews will come to heaven and they will say to him ‘Jew, where is your beard?’ but for others who have long beards but are lacking in mitzvos they will say ‘Beard, where is your Jew?’  What I wanted to bring out in this song is that you shouldn’t just judge a person by his looks and what is on the outside.”

Schmeltzer readily admits that songs like “Where is Your Beard?” come from his own experiences.

“I know what rejection means,” said Schmeltzer.  “There are people who reject me and people who love me.  I don’t look back.”

Those same life experiences play a pivotal role in Schmeltzer’s upcoming full scale Broadway musical, “Lipa on Broadway”, which will take place on Sunday December 29th.

“It is a story that is based on people’s struggles, including my own, and it will make people cry and laugh a lot,” said Schmeltzer.  “This isn’t a concert like what you would see on Chol Hamoed or Chanukah.  This is about giving people good, kosher, Jewish entertainment at an affordable price.”

The fact that he is the first Jewish music star to stage a full scale Broadway show of his own comes as no surprise to Schmeltzer.

“That is why I am Lipa,” said Schmeltzer. “I am always one step ahead of everyone else.”


    • I agree with #2

      that’s a good point. he shouldn’t be asking other people where their beard is, when he doesn’t have a beard himself!!!

  • Just saying

    This guy should go sing for the goyim better.

    He is dragging down frum eh pepole. His music never had a Yidisheh Tamm

  • Yossel

    I think he is commenting on the sad condition of the Frum community today. This can be seen especially in Brooklyn.

    So many people walking around with long beards, payis, etc. who think nothing of scamming the government, their neighbors and clients.

    So much publicity of child abuse and molestation, something unheard of in years past.

    So much advertising for the chance to own fancy dining room sets, car rentals, diamond rings, and fancy vacations, all in the name of “Tzedaka” and chinese auctions.

    So many people walking the streets of Brooklyn on Shabbos, grimacing in some sort of unfriendly face, unable to wish fellow passersby “Good Shabbos.”

    So many people acting obnoxious toward their fellow Jews, blocking driveways, “chapping” parking spaces away from slower parkers, letting someone who’s dropped all their packages on the sidewalk to fend for themselves.

    Oy, mey haya lanu! Perhaps Mr. Meltzer is commenting on some serious issues that cannot lead to good in our community…

  • Yitzchok Halevi

    This song should be viewed as a reminder to the frum world that there are times that we get caught up in “appearances” and lose the “essentials” of what it’s all about.
    Like Lipa, all of us FFB’S have been victimized (at times) by the shtus of what is emphasized and it leaves one feeling empty and disconnected from our essence.
    While one may not like Lipa or his theatrics,his point is valid, though maybe not presented in the most beneficial way.
    I hear it as an expression of pain, as a result of his life experiences. I (and I’m sure many others) can relate.

  • Lets NOT JUDGE him HE NEEDS TO GO TO "call of the shofar"

    for lipa to get over his “inferiority complex” about chasidus..

    for him to really appreciate what AUTHENTIC chasidus is, he needs to attend a “call of the shofar” weekend,
    perhaps that will help

    it works for soo many bec, it (call of the shofar) uses many chasidus chabad concepts and techniques!! albeit REPACKAGED!

    The reason this is soo successful for soo many (and especially appreciated by Lubavitchers) is perhaps bec IT IS CHABAD!
    (chabad’s very own traditional concepts and techniques! albeit repackaged and CAMOUFLAGED in a fresh unfamiliar jargon and presentation)
    Here are just a few examples of “shofar” elements taken from our Chabad tradition:
    1. Simcha Poretz… = Chasidim were dubbed di Frailicheh…
    2. You matter… = Your soul is Chelek Elokah… of absolute infinite and intrinsic value, interact from a healthy secure state of wellbeing. Oisim Nafshom Ikar… = Accept your true nature (G-dliness) your of infinite value YOU MATTER! Connect with your “true” self, aka yechida (you are not your kochos nor levushm observe and make free choices)
    3. Unconditional Love…
    4. Nonjudgmental acceptance…
    5. Internalize ideas by hisbonenus and hisbodedus.
    6. Be present… Achdus H’, The divine is accessible in every moment and activity, NOW matters! Dira Batacchtonim, Bchol drochecha doeihu, (in every situation step back, ask what is needed of me –according to hashem’s priorities).
    7. Safe container: aka Brotherly Farbrengen, aka support group comprised of genuinely caring friends focused on critical introspection self-improvement and growth.
    8. Mentorship = Aseh Lecha Rav, don’t be too arrogant to think you can make important decisions without consulting a caring expert regularly, yedid mavin = brocha from hashem.

    those who maintain the follow up gatherings locally stand to gain the most, (aka attend REAL farbrengens).


    • Citizen Berel

      No there is nothing at all strange about this comment.

      You need to attend CALL OF THE SHOFAR.

      Then you will get UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and NONJUDGEMENTAL ACCEPTANCE and with MENTORSHIP and SIMCHA what is PORETZ you will get AUTHENTIC chassidus in a SAFE CONTAINER.


      Attend support groups and follow up gatherings a.k.a REAL FARBRENGENS

      INTERACT from a HEALTHY SECURE state.

      Because YOU MATTER.

    • Jargan is Hilarious!!! the ideas tho are chasidus

      To outsiders, the same words mean different things,

      agreed, at first glance
      “safe container” is OMG LOL unless you know what that jargon refers t!

      agreed, YOUR REMIX is even more hilarious!

  • CH'er

    wow your commenters are silly

    thank you for those that are real…… # 8, 10, and 11

    I guess for some if you have a long beard (long peyos) and shukle a lot by davening your an authentic yid,

    haha thanks for the laugh,

    its BS its ambiguousness, hypocrisy,

    Thank you Lipa from the bottom of my heart for having the guts to sing that, your my Icon of what should be said.

    for those who feel his message is hurtful etc. should look long and hard in the mirror, and think of who you really are. like many other things (perverted rabbis, religious thiefs …..) be honest with yourself if you cant handle the truth dont blame the truth , blame the lie,,,

    Lipa keep going, your a good man

    • Your right!

      Its not Judaism, and AUTHENTIC CHASIDUS that turns ppl off,
      The LACK THEREOF!!

      the biggest turn off is when you have impostors, MISREPRESENTING (only dressing, not really applying) chabad chasidic teachings

    • Citizen Berel

      You must be NEW around here. Comment numbering CHANGES so when people refer to a comment by number there is STRONG chance that the comment they’re referring to will have DIFFERENT number at some point further down the life of THREAD.

      This is CAPS THREAD so I wanted to make myself HEARD.

  • Get a grip...commenters

    Let him make a song about whatever he wants…ya’ll should go mad about molesters and cheaters in the community. That’s more important!

    • Your right!

      I wish he made a song exposing to all NOT TO TRASH all of AUTHENTIC chasidic teachings
      Due to the Phonies and Frauds WHO DO NOT FOLLOW halacha nor Chasidus,
      they just dress the dress
      but dont walk the walk (on the contrary).
      and cause simple minded (lazy) observers to misinterpret what yidishkeit really is,

      The phonies who ONLY CARE ABOUT a beard and nothing else GO AGAINST chasidus and judaism!

      Its not Judaism, and AUTHENTIC CHASIDUS that turns ppl off,
      The LACK THEREOF!!

      the biggest turn off is when you have impostors, MISREPRESENTING (only dressing, not really applying) chabad chasidic teachings

  • Step ahead of everyone else

    “That is why I am Lipa,” said Schmeltzer. “I am always one step ahead of everyone else.”

    Why does Lipa have such a big EGO?!
    Half his music comes from non jewish music tunes. Is he really ahead of everyone else because he takes non jewish tunes and puts jewish lyrics to it.

    Jewish music has to et better

  • Charlie.

    Sounds like the same garbage the goyim in the apartment below me blast over their speakers every friday night.

  • He will soon follow in the ways of mattisyahu

    True! A beard isn’t everything but in Chabad it says a lot and reflects on even more.

    The Rebbe N”D once told over the following by a Farbraingen (When?? Someone please help out) that a Yid once presented his clean shaven son and said in Yiddish ” dos iz mein zun”. The person responded” dos iz a Livoneh. A zun hoet shtralen”

    On the other hand there is the well known saying ” er iz an opgegolter, ober der bord farshtelt.
    “That person is clean shaven but his beard is hiding that fact.”

  • To #25 beard in Chabad is overrated

    Unfortunately I’ve seen too many fellow Chabad boys who have long beards, but on the inside are very not good. If you’re going to go to a club or other not so kosher places it be best you do it without a beard and yarmulka. What about what not frum Jews might think of us?! All I’m saying is that in our times in Chabad the “beard” has lost it’s deterrent effect. Boys are unashamed to do certain things or frequent certain places with “a beard and yarmulka”. The beard is just an outward appearance without much of a reflection of what the boy is on the inside. I am from a frum Chasidish Lubavitch family who chose to pursue a professional career after learning in Yeshiva up to zal. I felt the beard was a hindrance while being in college and participating in the non-Jewish work world. I never went to clubs or other sketchy places. I daven in a shul, learn during the week, and yes even learn Chasidus more than other guys “with the beard” so where does that put me? people got to work on their inside and stop over focusing on the outward appearance. Hareini mekabel alei mitzvas ase shel V’ahavta lereacha komocha.

    P.S. I’m not knocking the beard. It’s important ingredient, but not the main ingredient that many Chabad believe it to be.

    • Citizen Berel

      This is very, very special and a beard is overrated and it’s better to shave your beard because it hinders progress in the world you wish to live in, the world in which beards hinder progress, than to go to clubs as a Jew who goes to clubs. And the Greeks had no problem with Torah and Mitzvos only the Elokus in Torah and Mitzvos so that means that you can learn Torah and Mitzvos like a Greek if you want to live in a greek world.

  • We want the whole package

    I want to see beards AND outstanding character in middos, mitzvos and chassidishkeit. What is it that people say what’s better, beard but fraud or no beard but excellent in all other areas????

    • Yossel

      Of course that is the ideal. however it is important to support that idea. It seems to me that we don’t have the strong leadership in our community that’s needed to guide young people in the right direction.

      Being an erliche honest Yid is a big challenge today. When our Rabbonim are fighting, our vaad hakohol and other organizations are fighting, degrading each other, people get disgusted and don’t care anymore.

      I’m doing my best to be a good Jew and Lubavitcher, but I am saddened and find the goings-on in this community very disheartening. I find over the years that I lost some of my enthusiasm for the Rebbe’s teachings and just barely make it through a hard day’s work.

      I also think G-d needs to get involved and help us to restore the chayus we had before Gimmel Tammuz. Hashem caused Gimmel Tammuz; the Rebbe didn’t want it, and neither did we.

      So Hashem, what’s next? Can You help us? You are the true Judge and everything happens according to Your will, but how much suffering must we endure before we give up hope completely? Why won’t You restore the Rebbe to his flock?? AD MOSEI????

  • thoughts

    I would say that its a fair comment, and it is a good message to remind us to strive to live up to the beard, or to the title of being a Jew, which is really important always. I’d say that to women too, jewish woman, where is your sheitle, sheitle, where is your jewish woman. True Judaism is not that Jewish women wear a beautiful sheitle, it is that Jewish women cover their hair, and they make it look nice. One is ikkar, and one is tofel. Why not use this to work on ourselves.

  • Is he justifying cutting his beard??

    If you have a problem with the sickos who claim to follow Torah and Dont, THATS NO EXCUSE or rational bases to (copy them) and not follow AUTHENTIC yidishkeit

  • Pointing to Phony Rabbi is a LAME EXCUSE to reject AUTHENTIC chasidus!

    Many drop outs leave bec they have serious pain inside from a system saturated with too many FAKERS
    (who dont really live the teachings of our Rebbe).

    True chasidus, is beautiful, Enriching and Life enhancing!!!

    True chasidus would attract Lipa and all the other dejected (precious) neshamos, who crave AUTHENTICITY and REAL YIDDISHKEIT!!
    they just (unfortunately) have been surrounded by too many misleading Phonies and Fakes who (probably were raised that way) to no fault of their own, dont know much better!

    The solution:
    Get to know what chasidus and yidishkeit is, (and is not) directly FIRST HAND from the sichos, igros etc… thats the only way to be immuned to Distortions that turn ppl off!

    • Yossel

      A book or leaflet doesn’t have the same chayus as the words coming mipi kodsho of the Rebbe. We need the Rebbe back in our midst! Ad Mosei??

  • Lets be MEKAREV him!! he's obviousely thirsting for AUTHENTICITY!

    Lets be dan lekaf zechus! trust that Lipa wants emes and needs to be shown the difference between the Hollow BS he was told is Judaism VS the real (not as common) deal.

  • Oy vey!!!

    Firstly, where is Lipa’s beard? Can’t tell if he has just a short one or a trimmed one? Having a beard is a very holy thing. It is a reseptacle for Divine Blessing in ones day to day life, part of Tzelem Elokim. The beard is hair that grows down from head to rest of body. It is the bridge between mind & heart, thoughts & actions, theory & practice, good intentions and good deeds. In the time of the Holocaust, there were so many Heiliker Yidden who had so much Mesiras Nefesh for their beards. In this day and age, it should not be a challenge, it should be an honor and a sign of Jewish pride. About the Call of the Shofar, pleeeeeze…oy vey!..Why does Chabad have to come on to money making, waaaay out practices and symbolismns …The only Call of the Shofar that we need is the one to herald in the coming of Moshaich! May he come Immediatley NOW!

  • CR

    “With tongue twisting lyrics the song asks “Yid, yid, where is your beard? Beard, beard, where is your yid?””

    I heard that expression years ago. Someone said at a farbrengen that, after 120 years, we should not expect to be asked “Reb Yid, vu ist dein bort!?” but, instead “Reb Bort, vu ist dein yid!?” It needs to be repeated again and again.

  • say tehilim for lipa

    Whats his mothers name.
    He is letti.g out all his anger at new square where he grew up. Maybe he should get therapy instead of constantly BASHINNG yiddishkeit.

  • Anonymous

    he is so stupid the goyim dont like him and soon the yidden wont either mattiyahu still has the not frum people but lipa doesnt stupidest move in his life yid yid ver iz dien kup

  • Lipa is thirsting for Real chasidus!

    We need to reach out with love and acceptance to lipa, (acceptance of him NOT Necissarily all his actions).

    Davka through genuine love towards this confused soul will we save him from the downward spiral he’s slipping into RL

    We can also say tehilim for him and all of klal yisroel!

  • Say Tehilim!

    to those who really care, dont knock him, say tehilim, otherwise your actions are also not very jewish either!!!

    • Yitzchok Halevi

      There are better and more important things to say tehilim for. If you don’t like him, don’t listen.

  • ora

    alot of comments here. A big theme is that people have to look inside themselves and be a better yid. Too shmaltzy on the opinions. Just be a better yid, what more is there to say. Do we really want anything more than that? Is anything more important?
    YOU and I do not know what the aibishters cheshon is with Lipa. You can have an opinion, but ultimately, its not us, nor our opinion. Best to be working on yourself and thats what is needed. Each of us to become closer to emes.

  • michal

    There are, nebach, so many alcoholics in Chabad with a stam beard! Lipa is calling out the hypocrisy. I tell my daughter to look past the beard and at a bochur’s yiras sheymayim, how he “drinks”, his middos tovos. Get past the uniform. It’s great to have a chassidic levush, but it has to penetrate to the neshama.