No We Can’t.. Comment on Rubashkin’s Petition

In an E-mail sent to all those who signed the petition calling for an Investigation into Allegations of Prosecutorial & Judicial Misconduct in the Case of Sholom Rubashkin, The White House replied that they cannot comment, and the matter will be left to the Justice Department. The petition had over 50,000 signatures.

E-mail from the White House: Why We Can’t Comment

Thank you for signing the petition “Call an Investigation into Allegations of Prosecutorial & Judicial Misconduct in the Case of Sholom Rubashkin.” We appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on

As explained in the We the People Terms of Participation, the White House may at times decline to comment on certain specific matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local governments in its response to a petition. For important policy reasons, this includes specific law enforcement and judicial ethics matters. With respect to law enforcement matters, the Department of Justice is charged with investigating crime and enforcing our laws. The Department also has mechanisms in place to investigate allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, including through its Office of Professional Responsibility. With respect to judicial ethics matters, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 vests primary responsibility for investigating and adjudicating claims of judicial misconduct with the Judicial Branch.

This petition calls for an investigation into allegations of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in the case of Sholom Rubashkin and for action to correct the “gross injustice” in his case. For the reasons given above, the White House declines to comment on matters raised by this petition.


  • Eli

    This isn’t only Shalom Rubashkins Problem Because
    “One of the first enactments of the Nazis in 1933 was to outlaw the Jewish method of slaughter”

  • vote 2012

    i guess oBSama wont be expecting these 50,000 people to be voting for him next year.

  • Milhouse

    Um, they are right, you know. It would be very improper for the White House to interfere in a criminal case. (Of course this White House does many improper things, and had no problem interfering in the case of the New Black Panthers, but they deny it.)

  • PR

    Get it in the news! If every newspaper in the country was carrying this story, I’m sure they would have to come up a better response…

  • Free Sholom Mordecahai

    We all need to be Al Sharptons for the Jewsish community and not stop here. We must not remain quiet and fight on. Make some noise until they will listen!

  • 1234567890

    The ambivalent responses were not just towards Rubashkin, but towards all of the petitions.

    There is currently a general petition going on to get the White House to take all the petitions seriously.

  • wishing

    der momzer in di bild zahl habbin a sheine reine kapara
    zahl er zein a kapara far S.M.R.

  • Hachlatah Now!

    Let’s all talk a Hachlata Toivah in SMR zechus!

    Hashem in this Zechus, may the News medias of the world report that SMR is free! and that the Reshoim involved in this Gzeirah, all having a huge Mapoloh b’fnri kol am voeidah!!!!

    B’geulah hoamitis vehashleima now mamosh!

    PS Rabbonim should (privately) pasken the above!

  • coffeepot

    there is a new petition to the white house petitioning them to take the petitions seriously.

    Everyone Sign!…!/petition/actually-take-these-petitions-seriously-instead-just-using-them-excuse-pretend-you-are-listening/grQ9mNkN

  • The Guy With the Dog

    Sure, but separation of powers never stopped him from getting involved in the legislative branch when it suited his needs. He can pardon SR if we hwants.

  • For an in depth understading

    For more information on this decision (and the way his mind works) you can read “The root of Obama’s Rage”

    October 30, 2011 1:48pm

  • disappointed

    Where are the Shemtovs where are all the Shluchim with their proud Access to their politicians & by the way where are all the Politicains 7 former Ag’s who signed the letter? Answer All silent because Rubashkin is not important he is only a Orthodox Jew who happens to be from Anash but his case is not worth anything.Just like Pollard both Screwed by the Justice system & abandoned by their own.If I am wrong prove it! publicly here on this forum show their efforts!!!

  • Milhouse

    #15 if Rubashkin were in the New Black Panthers he would have been out by now, separation of powers or not.

  • Eli

    This isn’t only Shalom Rubashkin’s Problem Because

    “One of the first enactments of the Nazis in 1933 was to outlaw the Jewish method of slaughter”

  • Solkeys

    Go to following and sign a petition that )Obama should respond to the petitions.…!/petition/actually-take-these-petitions-seriously-instead-just-using-them-excuse-pretend-you-are-listening/grQ9mNkN

  • Milhouse

    Like we were going to vote for him in the first place. Though with some of the commenters here you never know. Still, those who were going to vote for him probably want Sholom R to stay in prison, so they will support him even more!

  • shlomo

    why nobody speak about Jewish investors that loose all money, because this fraud? why nobody help to him/ IMHO it more important problem, that M.R itself?