A Jew, A Wig, A Mexican, A Dry Cleaner, and An Epic Chilul Hashem

In a daytime TV show called The Peoples Court a Jewish couple, identified only as Heidi and Mendi, appeared before Judge Marilyn Milian in a case where they claimed a laundry and dry cleaning service washed Heidi’s $3000 wig in the wash and ruined it. But it is the cases finale that is troubling, and embarrassing.

The episode aired on national TV last week, on Thursday December 2nd 2010, and was recorded on November 6th 2010.


  • rte

    I dont have alot of money but I would be willing to forego the $3,000 and get a new sheitle to not foolishly make a chilul hashem. How does someone wear a sheitle and not know what this inyon is all about. Or maybe she is just so caught up in her physical teivas.

  • Chillul Hashem

    She should have just gone by herself infront of the judge. The fact that her husband in a yarmulka and beard got up and lied so blatantly is beyond disgusting!!!!! They wanted to be on TV, they sure are famous now!!!!!!

  • Oy Vey

    Georgie Wigs are not $3,000. And girls like that don’t spend $3,000 on Shaitels from Georgie. Georgie shaitels are about $400 to $1,200

    The girl did not “only speak Spanish”

    If you get a call like that about your 3,000 wig, then you run right down there, now “wait 2 hours” and call “from Work” then go “later” to see about it.

    When he said “Georgie” is out of town, “in France”!!!??? “Georgie Wigs” is not a Girl- its a company.

  • Concerned Lubavitcher

    What Purpose is there it posting such a video …to increase the Chilul Hashem???!!!!
    Please Take it off!

  • jew

    omg i hope this is just a really bad idea of a joke!!!!
    its ridiculous and embarrassing.

  • yikes

    major chillul HaShem..i feel bad for the couple i hope they work on their midos, however we all need to

    Moshiach Now

  • so sad and horrible, why lie??

    since when are falls 3,000???? and yes you run down when you hear your 3,000 sheitel is in the cleaners!

  • fff

    i feel bad for the couple, for the chillul Hashem – this is soo embarressing!! i really wonder what did happen….

  • Duh

    While the case is murky, it’s clear that the girl at the cleaners also lied: no frum woman would ever tell the cleaners to “wash, but not dry” a sheitel!

  • confused

    hmm she said she has only one wig and one fall…so whats on her head…it’s not the fall

  • imbaresed every single one of us

    it is very important to show this video so that people see wat kind of fools they make out of themself and there religion when they openly chete and steel from other people it takes a whole life to make a good name and 1 second to ruen it they realy imbaresed every single one of us shame on them.

  • m. w.

    as soon as she says “ I have tow wigs – one full (which she is wearing) and one fall (which is at home)” so which one is this? A THIRD! a cheap synthetic wig, sent in on purpose to get some much needed cash!

  • Shmuli

    I think that she probably did not have the original receipt and thought that she would use this other receipt as well. I highly doubt that she meant to cheat.

    I also don’t think that this clip belongs on this website. They may have made a chilul hashem, but the act of publicizing their Chulul Hashem is Loshon Horoh.

  • dfg

    i dont know the truth, but people the best way to make money is through hard work…there is no such thing as easy money. easy money is short lived. honest hard work lasts forever with satisfaction.

  • hmmmm

    And the judge said that the tags inside the wig said “Revlon” that you get at Rite Aid or CVS or at Macys.

    And if they got the call from the Cleaners and Heidi said that she said not to wash it- why didnt SHE run right down there for her $3,000 wig and he said he only went after work much later???!!!

    At first he said that the girl only spoke Spanish so how did Heidi know to say ‘“dont wash it’” to the girl??

    If you only have one full wig and its $3,000, then it’s a Shevy not a Georgie.

    And this was not a dry cleaners but rather a Clothes Washing service- who doesn’t wash their own clothes?

  • How could a Yid do this???

    OMG! I just saw this video .This is the biggest Chilul Hashem EVER!!!

  • more info

    Georgie is actually a company and the name of the owner. It said that she bought a 3,000 long haired wig- that is on her head. This was probably the fall. and all georgie wigs have her name on them. they should have brought the evidence of the three companies if they indeed had them. It seems that the couple was trying to milk the case.

  • OMG!!!!

    how much money do people who go on this show make?
    chillul Hashem had to be worth it!

  • What a Snag!

    Such a snag, nasty.

    I love the part at the end, “George is in France” that got me rolling.

  • Seriously??

    Who takes a sheitel to the dry cleaner?! (especailly if it’s allegedly $3000)

    Where I come from, they’re usually taken to the sheitel macher (or washed at home if you know what you’re doing).

  • Horrified

    It’s written all over their faces when the judge calls them on it. Please, be considerate of your bretheren before doing something this rash.

  • ch jew

    they cot caught. they may have thought that enough attension would be placed on other elements of the occurence. but no, the judge honeed in a a simingli unusual patter:to identify accurocy of evidnece.

  • Shame

    I do believe the wig cost more than a few bucks and that the dry cleaners ruined it! She should have just been honest and said she didn’t have the receipt, but since she had to replace it, here is the receipt for the replacement!! Let’s face it, how many of us actually have receipts from the purchase of our wigs?? Not only did she make a huge Chillul Hashem, she also lost the case she looked like she was gonna win! She really messed up!

  • Unbelievable

    That was amazing. How many of you girls with 2year old kids let them even go near your best sheitel? That looks like something that came out of my Purim costume bag!

  • dumb as dirt

    Yeh, lets all yell at CHI for posting this, its like totaly their fault that this couple went on national TV and and made a mockery of all Jews. It’s all CHI’s fault!

    And its not like over 15 million TV viewers didn’t already see it, right? Now, that CHI posted it the entire world will see it! All 6 billion!

    You guys are pathetic. Perhaps the next time you scam your credit card, and get busted, you will think twice before cuz you might get a special feature story right here on CHI for it. And it will be CHI’s fault you scammed your credit card in the first place, right?

  • eli

    what a shame for us frum people to represent us as liars and cheaters in public TV. my wife is a shaitel macher and every shaitel has their name inside either sowed or the shaitel name tagged. in cross examination the husband and his wife looked like intelligent people you have to be very stupid to bring a cheap Revlon shaitel to court. the story is very inaccurate. i hope this couple did not get paid to do this show.

  • Judge Liar

    The “Judge” on this TV show clearly thought from the begining that this was not the wig that they purchased for 3000.
    Look at the video again, you will see that the entire time she is leading the case to get a hold of the wig in order to verify.
    1- As soon as they walked in, she accuses them of not giving their names.
    2- She askes how many wigs the woman has. (Which is totally not related to the case).
    3- First she makes as if she knows nothing about wigs, then she knows that a wig won’t get ruined.
    4- She tries to cover up by saying that she will finish the case, and all of the sudden she needs a recess.
    5- Why else would she call?

    The only other explannation would be that she really knowes a whole lot about wigs, and when they gave her the wig, she realized that it felt like fake hair.

    In any case the Judge is definitely a liar, and Yidden are not supposed to enter Goishe TV showes, for almost the same reason they cover their hare (“UVICHUKOSAIHEM LO SAILACHU”).

  • Judge Brown

    The judge let them off easy, she should of held them in contempt for perjury.

  • To #49

    Most TV showes are probably posted online anyways.
    Courts find liars all of the time. If someone hates Jews this will just be another reason.

  • Shocking!!

    What a horrible chillul Hashem!!!!
    Why not just chuck the whole religous-wig-skirt-beard-kippah walk if you want to lie and cheat like that?!

  • Possible

    Probably the cleaners ruined their sheitel, but they thought that it was’nt ruined enough to claim the money (and its especially hard to prove how the sheitel looked beforehand) so they took this fake shaitel.
    I don’t see otherwise why they would take a random cleaners to a TV court show, to sue for something that never happened.

  • This show

    This TV show emphasized that it is related to observant Jews.
    You could see that most of the case was cut out and only chosen parts were put in.
    They repeatedly showed the parts that the woman explaines why she wears a wig. Although the Judge herself seems to be wearing a wig.
    This was totally not connected to the case.
    It was meant to show “Dirty obsevant Jews”.

    They may have been angry at the couple but why emphasize that they are Religious?
    It is good we don’t have TVs at home.

  • shaitel Macher

    she bought it by Georgie..Georgie wigs is a different company…used to be owned by The same person

  • We should all realize...

    I feel like this is such a bit Chillul Hashem… It is really not right for the lady to do this… I understand that we can’t judge her and everyone judging her (including myself) should work on themselves as to not judge others… Who knows the real truth? Only Hashem does… we can’t make up any excuses for the lady and everyone should learn from this that whatever they do affects all Jews- NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE! So everyone, please be careful and make a Kiddush Hashem! Thank you and Happy Chanuka!

  • L.A MOM

    what would posses this couple to attempt such a scam on nayional tv? this is mamaesh heartbreaking-so dumb and so selfish. AH they’ll really learn something from this and do tshuva big time.

  • joke?

    very disturbing. Did u post this so that the woman advertising below that she lost her wig in a shopping bag won’t follow suit? Just trying to figure out why you would post it here (maybe because he called himself mendi? They are obviously not chabad though) at first, i was sure it was a funny joke…sadly it was not.

  • Mivtzaim

    She seems as if she is doing Mivtzaim on TV.
    The Snags have an interesting way of doing Mivtzaim.
    The editor of the show loves her Mivtzaim, and posted her four different times explaining why she wears a shaitle.

  • NO 15 ABLE

    What would the Rebbe say? He wouldn’t approve of any of the Chabad websites – other than for posting peulois and the like but not all the gossip out there.

    Then again the Rebbe would seriously object to you presently writing “shlita” as well!

    Don’t be a holier than thou hypocrite.

  • chaya18

    wow very disturbing to watvh,especially at the end, ,big chilul hashem,no need to put this on, its true lashanhara.


    When a non-chabad couple from Boro Park tries to rip off a dry cleaner of $3000, all of a sudden people are up in arms screaming Chillul Hashem!

    However, when a Chabadnik rips of a bank of millions of dollars somehow the Chabadnik is a victim.


  • Wash & wear

    All I can say is, thank G-d they’re not Lubavitchers (other men ARE called Mendy.) How could they be so stupid to go on national TV & pull this scam? Did they really think they could get away with it? I think the cleaner was right when he said there are better ways to make money. I’m embarrassed for all frum Yidden.

    Does anyone know these people? I wouldn’t admit it!

  • very odd

    The most telling part of this whole thing was when the judge asked why he didnt go to the store after he got the call, and he said that he called two hours later from work but noone answered the phone. And that he went later after work to get it. Well why didnt Heidi go right down and get it after the phone call. They both agree there was a call- Mendy knew there were phone records so he couldnt lie about that. So after the call- no matter if she said “dont wash it” or Dont Dry it”- either way why didnt he or she go right to the store right away and get the wig! They were the ones who put it in the bag, they had to go get it back! It actually looks like a Purim costume wig

  • Show was on National TV already, people

    What they didnt count on was that the “Georgie” wig lady, who they thought was away in France,
    had an assistant who answered the phone and told the judge that she just bought a new long wig. the show was taped November, and the receipt was apparantly recent, but Heidi said the wig was bought in May, and that it was her only wig. ooops.

  • chananel druin

    TO NUMBER 71 you dont even know were they are from are you the person on the video and and let me guess you are a lubavithch hater

  • was wrong

    Yes, #70- Wow, Surprised to see that there are actually $3,000 Georgies! Looking at that Website I was surprised to see that. I thought Georgies were cheaper but I guess in NY even 3,000 is not unusual for a Georgie.

  • Wiggy

    I once had an expensive wig that looked like that after a rainstorm, but a good wash and dry and its fine.

  • Hairy tale

    When the judge said that some of the hair was coming out of he net- was she implying that someone was pulling on it to make it worse?

  • Analysis of the incident

    The judge was really mad, and probably had some real info that something wasnt “kosher”, and when they didnt try to explain about the receipt, …well maybe they were just afraid to explain themselves a little more.

    I think that maybe after she had already said she only had 2 wigs it was hard for them to explain that she made a mistake at first about that and that at the time she had only one wig but had since had to get another, and that they were showing the cost of REPLACING the wig, but didnt explain it properly to the judge, but then it was too late.

  • Leah

    I vote with those who want this taken off the site. I wish I hadn’t seen it. If it had been on another site I would not have seen it. (I’m sick today so I wasn’t really expecting this and I did watch it through because I thought the Yidden would be vindicated.

    There are many reasons why we shouldn’t judge the people on this. We aren’t supposed to judge them. We should only judge ourselves.

  • Here-s a better lie

    some points:
    I don’t think there’s enough evidence to suggest that they put the wig in the cleaners on purpose. It seems it was an accident, which they tried to capitalize on once they saw the “junky” wig was ruined. (by using the receipt of her other shaitel)

    the key point was that they didn’t attempt to wash off the detergent, or at least didn’t have proof that the wig was permanently ruined.

    The bottom line is, they are terrible liars. The jewish women could barely express herself in proper English (that’s why she said she has 1 wig and 1 fall, when she had 3. it was simply her not able to talk in proper English. She obviously meant “besides for the one on her head.” she can’t be that stupid).

    Had they been a bit smarter they could have continued the lie by saying they had cut the wig and made it short. instead of the out of town bit. But the very fact that 2 people would go on national t.v. to try and cheat and get away with it, proves just how stupid they really are.

  • Bella

    I am with Shmuli it’s loshon hora to even discuss this see it, etc. They have embarassed themselves enough. Oy. Moschiach Now…

  • to 39# shame on you

    shame on you, you think the world knows if their so called snags chasidim etc,, they see a jew thats it,, grow up

  • OMG crazy video

    if the girl did not understand what wig was, how could she know that it shouldnt go in the dryer, but it should go in the wash?

  • To #80 Leah

    You really do sound sick. Please take your head out of the sand, then take two Advil and don’t call me in the morning.

  • oiss vorff

    open up a shucan oruch if the whole world saw it on tv , its not loshon horah .. may be just plain old reciluss

  • FM

    imbaresed every single one of us wrote

    Should learn how to spell. Her lack of spelling is appaling and embarrasing.

  • look at it differently

    Not fair to label them. Just becuase their Jewish all of a sudden what they did is considered mega wrong. Dishonesty is a trait of the Nefesh Habehamis, which as is written in Perek Alef of Tanya exists by jews and non jews. It’s wrong cuz it’s wrong, not cuz they’re jewish.

  • yanky

    You guys jump to judge not even knowing the facts.
    Do you think any frum woman would tell her dry cleaner to wash her wig????
    The dry cleaner is obviously lying.

  • sheitel wearer

    Georgies do NOT COST 3,000.
    So embarrassing that a frum woman can lie like that

  • lol

    lololol soooooo fuunnnyyy that women couldnt even speak english herself…..and the guy looks like a dodo….lolol!!!! stupid snags tricks r for kids…

  • Put them in Cherem

    This video is an embarrassment to every single Jew out there.

    Just disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!

    This couple should be put into cherem for the chillul Hashem they caused.

  • attn sheitel wearer...

    Sheitel wearer, some long Georgies actually DO cost 3000, and her shaitel did cost 3000, just not the one that she was claiming to have cost that…the one on her head did (she had the receipt…)

  • A Recovering Chabadnik

    Really, Lubavitchers? You all think you don’t have petty morons among you? No wonder you’re all stuck in the 18th century.


    People, People…Whatever happened to ‘don lekaf zchus’ (for those lesser educated readers, that is roughly translated to giving other the benefit of the doubt.) We dont know for sure whether the wig wasn’t $3000 . The judge cut the young Jewess off, made her ruling and that was the end… bare in mind that between taxes, the cut,styling, length of hair (which by the looks of the wig she was wearing is quite long) and the blonde color (you know what they say…blondes have more fun)…the wig very well could have cost $3K.

  • kiddush hashem!

    thinks that posting things that you feel is a chillul hashem
    is actually perpetuating it!!!!!!!
    i personally find it offensive & try to be VERY careful with what is posted-
    especially in such a PUBLIC forum!!
    HAPPY CHANUKAH to all!
    may we be zoche to perpetuate KIDDUSH HASHEM ONLY!!

  • get her a new wig

    Georgi is in France…haha!! Bonjour from France. What liar!!!

    I wonder where they live??

    We should all chip in and donate her a new clown wig!

  • keep it on

    it should stay on to show people how it doesn’t matter how religious some people pretend to be, they still try to scam their way to get money…DISGUSTING!!!

    yes its a chilul hashem, SO DON’T DO IT!!!

  • Proud Snag

    I am mayche on calling such crooks snags.

    Chas vesholem!

    Those people are not snags (Litvaks). Snags do not wear $3,000 sheitlech. Snags don’t wear shtreimlech like the man reportedly does. Sounds like Hungarians to me.



  • No name

    What is with all the jews not believing their own brothers and sisters? (this couple shown here)
    I believe them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. U can tell they werent clear with how the COURT works
    2. they did not have valid receipts
    3. ONLY a yid can understand where they are coming from with the wig situation

    The mexican lady is wearing a wig as well but of course its price is nothing close to the jewish womans sheitel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so therefore the price “3,000” seems absurd to the Judge and well as the cleaners……………….

    that’s the biggest question here…………
    But they didnt have enough valid proof
    so the case goes to the extremely stupid cleaners.
    and the comments here are worse than the couple going to course

  • Normal

    I think it is brilliant this is on the net. If you think people will think badly of Jews then google Jew and go onto one of the sites and you will be in for a big shock.

    If a Goy did this no-one would ask what religion he is. If a frum Yid does it, the world says “blody Jew” and rightly so. We cannot claim to be the Chosen Nation, and pretend how holy we are, and behave like this.

    There are so many Jews in the press now for Ponzi schemes and all sorts of ‘chochmas’ that they thought they could get away with. If you are frum you are not allowed to lie or steal. And if you do, then you will probably get caught and then start crying ‘antisemitism’ etc. And you can be the biggest tzadik externally and give lots of tzedoka, but you are letting G-d and his people down when you are found guilty.

    To all the Snag, Hungarian, Lubavitch etc comments, THAT is pure loshan hora.

  • Critical of enjoying&berating non lubs

    To #71 – with you.

    I’m a proud lubavitcher yet horrified the way this article tries to put down those who made ‘mistakes’ and are not lubavitchers.

    While I won’t compare this case to SR for obvious reasons written about extensively in the legal world, yet I’m certain that there are unfortunate stories within the Lubavitch word that would not get the headline of an “epic chilul hashem”.

    Last but not least, I don’t see a big difference between the lying etc. and the Lubavitch women dressed immodestly running the NYC marathon. There is room to say that dressing immodestly is worse than lying.

  • Ester Zirkind

    Why are there so many spelling errors. It reflects badly on the educational systems of the frum world. Can we all commit to using spell check before sending off our comments to be viewed publicly…..please!

  • Betzalel

    Look on the bright side. If the couple were any other ethnic group, the video wouldn’t be so shocking. I fear the day when nobody pays attention to videos like this.

  • your idea would not have helped

    Sorry #79, but even if the couple had done what you suggested: to have said that the $3000 receipt was payment for the wig on her head which was a replacement for the ruined one, they still could not have proved that the ruined one had also cost $3000. That’s because the ruined one did not have the Georgie label sewn in nor did it have any valid numbers that the Georgie people recognized as their own wig. So even if they had tried this tactic, the judge could not have awarded them $3000 for the ruined one.

  • Attention Please

    Please let me educate you about the TV Biz:
    #1 This show is a lie, she is not a judge and they are paid actors.
    #2 Is true is antisemitic the theme, however non frum jews are involved in this production.
    #3 If you are upset about this you can fix this easily following this steps:
    A) You writte to the biz owners that are not embarrased about being jewish and let them know that the station airing is using programming to attack jews.
    B) You send letters to the biggest advertsing agencies of the planet that are located in madison ave in Manhattan NY and tell them the same.

    The result: If the pull put advertising from the station , the TV Manager gets crazy and cancels the show and nobody mess with you again, Chabad is about action, so take it and battle the GREEKS…

  • MESSED UPPPP!!!!!!

    This is sooo messed up.. why the hell did they have to go on public television and make a fool out of themselves.. IM EMBARRASSED TO BE A JEW!

  • TO JOE

    you dont know what your talking about.. you can learn chassidut all day and still be a lyer and stealer… I was shocked when my friend told me oh so casually that she goes to the sheital macher and asks her if she can go home with the wig to show her husband to see if he likes it and then she takes it home and wears it to a wedding and returns it the next day.. and i know ALOUT of pple that do that and dont see whats wrong in cheating a yid! forget about some spanish lady but your own bretheren! gosh. disgusted.

  • chabadsker

    I don’t think this was a total scam from beginning to end, premeditated by the frum couple like some of you think.

    Here is what I think happened:

    The woman DID leave her wig in the dry cleaning bag, by accident. The drycleaners called which was noble of them however due to miscommunication ended up washing the wig anyway. (However they did lie in court when saying she agreed to have it washed. BTW Mendy also lied when he said he got someone in spanish to call them back). Anyway, the wig came back looking like a mop, however it was able to be fixed (rewashed and blown). The couple, who were furious, not only because they had to spend money fixing the wig but also because the drycleaners were total shmuks to them, decided to teach the drycleaners a lesson by taking them to court. So they took an old cheap wig of similar colour and put it through the spin cycle a few times. They never dreamed the judge would call the company. Their objective may not have even been the money but to ruin the drycleaners reputation, but probably both. They may have just expected the outcome to be “go see if you can get it fixed”, which was the obvious thing to do in such a case, but fullfilled their objective of besmirching the cleaners. The problem is that they lied and once you start lying you will eventually get caught out!

  • Levi K.

    can someone please post the couples real name and phone number… I have a $30 revlon wig that I want to try to sell them for $3000

  • Sarah

    My sisters $2500 long blonde allegria sheital got was wrapped in a towel after she finished washing it and was about to go dry and style it, but it got thrown in the washing machine by accident last year.. It came out of the wash looking just like the one in the video . The sheital was NOT able to be fixed. A few Sheital Machers including myself tried to fix it. So i totally believe it was an expensive piece, even though it doesnt look that way now!
    Just a response from someone who has seen this happen.

  • Leah G

    Whether they lied or not, whether they were right or wrong, whether they were wronged or not…. none of this matters. The fact that they decided to go on national TV is a real shande, and a chilul Hashem and embarrassment to us all.

  • GenugShoyn

    in cross examination the husband and his wife looked like intelligent people

    They came across as real morons and looked like oisvorfen.

    Sadly, there are too many people like this, people who go through the motions of frumkeit for social reasons but do not believe.

  • stop juding!

    they made a mistake! they do not deserve a punishment this harsh. how will they ever show their face ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD again, after it has now been exposed to everyone theyve ever met or will mee?!?!
    we all make mistakes, this was just a stupid one, to go on t.v. stop judging!

  • Ilana

    Total embarrassment! How could they do that? Go to court for a lie! How do they do it? How could they?
    And it is not chassidus they need but MUSSAR! How can you do that!

  • Are we to Judge??

    something does NOT seem right about this- Who are we to judge what really happened???

  • This almost happened to me, really!

    When you sign up for small claims court, these judge shows pick up the filing. If it is a case that would make interesting TV, they offer to pay you the full amount you are asking for in court. So it is a sure thing you will get your $, but you have to be on TV and make a fool of yourself. This happened to me once, but I figured it would be a Chillel Hashem for my husband to be on TV, so I ignored the messages from the Judge show, went to court and won all the $ there.

  • and then you wonder why they hate us?

    I just think if it wasn’t true they’d have defended themselves at the end.

  • arik katz

    finally, someone with more on their chesbon than me. they can never do teshuva for this chillul hashem, you know. this life is totally over for the both of them. so i take a long look at this hefty drag queen and her ape of a husband and know that no matter what i may do in my personal life, i would never stoop to the level of wrapping myself in the torah to rob a hard working immigrant couple just trying to provide for their children.

  • wigexpert

    1] The wig that was ruined was not, repeat not a short wig. It is a long wig. If you look carefully you will see that it is a long wig. It looks like a short wig b/c it’s all knotted up, but it is not.

    2] The main impetus of the judge was that this wig she was examining looked like a short wig.

    3] The wigmaker charged $3000 in total including highlighting, streaking and cutting for ruined wig.  The wig heidi was wearing was given to her from georgi as a replacement for the ruined wig..

    4] The judge called both Georgie companies. She first called the first number and b/c the office was closed her call was fwd’ed to a woman named Sylvia from company #1 and the judge asertained that Heidi did pay $3000 for a long wig. The judge asked for the receipt number. Sylvia answered that the office was closed. The judge then called the other Georgie company #2 (there was a divorce involved here). The other company said that they do not manufacture that type of wig.



  • anynonmous

    thats what happens when u use a goy for a dry cleaner lol what a hilul hashem all because u want to save maybe 25 cents they lost there wig made of human hair which is assor anyways


    All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. ALL OF YOU! Have we sunk so low that we are so quick to judge others with no reservations at all?

    All of a sudden we believe everything that we see on TV? These shows are edited and sliced down to portray whatever the producers feel will get the best ratings. The truth has nothing to do with it. It’s absolutely impossible to ascertain the truth from a 15 minute TV segment.

    I hope someone with the time and energy will get to the bottom of it and get all the facts. Until then, say some tehillim instead of sitting on your high horse judging others.


    I AGREE %100 WITH NUMBER 144!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you are SO right!


    this case should NEVER have been brought to public tv, they had no right in doing it for their chance of fame. even with vos is neiz & the other side of the story going on i dont believe either party is right here. the cleaners should have never have washed it, & certain things heidi said in the original court show didn’t add up so who knows, meanwhile it’s caused all this bickering & gossip & the chillul hashem is that this should have remained a private matter in the small court system of ny. & how can heidi be one of goergie’s best clients gimme a break she only has two sheitels from her supposedly that doesn’t make a person a favorite client. in the end who are we to judge, i don’t know if the couple were right or wrong the only thing i know for sure is the cleaners should not have washed that wig, they can’t be that stupid

  • ????

    Read a few comments. Always thought jews were kinda smart, but it’s obvious some of you don’t realize they intentionally had the mexicans ruin a cheap wig. When the girl called, she was specifically ordered to clean it.