Press Conference Held in the Jewish Childrens Museum
An audio recording of the Conference can be heard by CLICKING HERE. [7.92MB, 33:58, WMA, STREAM]
Following the Levaya of Rabbi Ephraim Klein, attended by thousands of Crown Heights’ residents, many media reporters gathered together with various community leaders in the Tzivos Hashem Jewish Children’s Museum.
The event was chaired by Mrs. Devora Halberstam, the mother of the Tomim, Ari Halberstam, HY”D, who was killed by an Arab terrorist when he was on a mini-bus with his friends on the way to visit the Rebbe, who was hospitalized at the time. Ever since, Mrs. Halberstam is busy in combating crime and warning about its rise at many occasions. In her introduction she said, “The situation has become extremely serious. We must stop the next planned crime”.
Leaders of Crown Heights communities were called to address the crowd. Every one of them started their speech with condolences to the family and to the Chabad community. Most of them greatly condemned the vicious murder. “We promise to locate the murderer and to bring him to trial”, they said.
Many of the speakers stressed their close connections with Chabad community of Crown Heights. “We do not believe that this has happened”, they said. “The situation has been deteriorating this past year and we must join forces to stop the crime”.
In attendance at this conference were TV News stations NY1, CBS2, FOX5, NEWS12 and UPN9 and printed press included the New York Times, New York Daily News, New York Sun and the New York Post.
Emor M-at V-aseh Harbeh
Nobody knows who the murderer(s) is – but this press conference proves the automatic assumption by EVERYONE that it was a black person. This is why the speakers kept emphasizing "brotherly love" and "living in peace". – Even though these shvartzeh cholerahs are freely shooting, we should still be their friends…PLEASE!
And for the speaker who mentioned that "crown heights is the best example of peace and brothers living together" – that’s pretty sad. If this is the best example, I’d hate to think what the worst one is.
Ban guns? And leave the Yidden utterly defenseless? When almost every shvartze kid in town has one? And if the guns are banned, the criminals will get them anyway on the black market. Then the only ones who have guns will be the biased police and the criminals.
Do you want to live in a society where the state and the criminals are the only ones with fire arms?
It is disgusting how these pols and Rabbi Pitasnik used all this to grandstand their political stance for gun control.
‘Every Jew a 22.", Rabbi Moshe Kahane.
The Human Condition
To: Emor M-at V-aseh Harbeh
This is all just a part of the human condition where we all find ourselves born more alike then different, proceeding more different then alike, living together, and dying alone.
That’s if we are lucky and don’t get killed.
was there last night.
this is rediculous!!! he was shot at close range and the city together with the media are trying to change the whole story.
As you’ve read here on this website, the mugings and abuse on our streets are getting worse and worse. These speeches are a bunch of bull!!! The cops are doing nothing so the ‘chaleres’ are doing whatever they want.
We must stop it!!!
Me and you together!!!
I urge everyone who reads this to call the media and let them know the real story. Give them the facts:
Crime is on the rise – tell them about all the articles on this site. And you can even supply the pictures to prove it, thanks to webby.
The cops are doing nothing!! they let all the witnesses leave last night. And only hours later did they wake up and decide they want to speak with witnesses, after they all left.
This whole love and peace thing is ballowny!! tell the media what you think.
ABC 212.456.7777
CBS 212.975.4321
WPIX 212.949.1100
NBC 212.664.2552
FOX 212.452.5555
WOR 212.921.3280
WOR TV 212.399.9999
N.Y. POST 516.616.5344
NY DAILY NEWS 212.210.2100
NY TIMES 212.212.556.1996
1010 WINS 212.397.1010
WCBS 516.747.7421
The gemorah say lo achbera ganev ela chura ganev.
Not the mouse is the tiff but the hole is the tiff.
Now let’s listen to the speeches made today
Starting from Shea Hecht continuing with Chamima
And the rest of the clowns .
I didn’t hear from any one of them who is the week link
In our neighborhood .
But I can assure all of you one thing
And wee need no special laws to get guns of the street .
If the police in our neighborhood will start working .
We all know that thy are very good in finding the
BIG CRIMINALS Talking on cell phones .
(and thy are afraid to stop just any non white
person because of the fear of being harmed)
how about tell the truth as painfully as it is .
the crime rate in crown heights is at all time high the
police Is doing NOTHING AT ALL and call it as
you see it our streets are not safe anymore
it was just a Metter of time. how many times we hear
gun shots call the police and …… nothing
I will conclude with that .
It was a big shame to hear Shea Hecht and the rest.
thanking the police for
Having a hand in the murder of
Yodeinu Loy Shofchu Es Hadam Hazeh ?
Everyone old enough to remember when Rabbi Okunov was Shot, on Montgomery St., remembers the way Dovid Fisher handled it then. At the Levaya, with all of the media present, Dovid Fisher repeatedly blasted the City Officials and repeatedly blamed all of our crime on the "City Officials". Dovid Fisher Blasting the City, then, made headline news.
The city then woke up and poured millions into Police protection and then gave countless millions to Fisher for cheap and safe housing for C.H., all thanks to the heavy handed tough talk by Dovid Fisher.
Neophytes like Moshe Rubashkin (still in his diapers when Rabbi Okunov was Shot) should learn a thing or 2 from the way Dovid Fisher handled our crime problem, rather than just rewarding the Mayor and the Police for all the Blood which is on their hands.
Can our current Vaad Hakohol, honestly say: "Yodeinu Loy Shofchu Es Hadam Hazeh"? I don’t think so!
I went to a funeral and a political campaign broke out. pathetic!
long time resident
If possible, please put captions under the photos
Gun control is NOT the problem, CRIME control is
If the neighborhood changed when D Fisher was around, it was in spite of him, not thanks to him.
However, We DO need to rail at the city, and get more protection, AND create and beef up our own patrols
Achdus will do it, not the infighting
who speaks at the beginning of the conference?
Protect our streets!
To Maven,
You say we should not ban guns because we will be left utterly defenseless. When was the last time somebody in the CH community was saved because they posessed a gun for defense?? And furthermore how would a gun have helped Ephriam Klein HY"D? Dont be all macho and think that a gun will save the day. Do you even own a gun since its legal? What happens when your kid gets ahold of it CH"V? Cut the nonsense. Protecting our streets must be done but why are you so fixated with having a gun? Maybe you should stop watching Rambo and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
if someone could please tell me- will calling 311 help?
To Protect Our Streets;
If the criminals and thugs knew that every other store owner and every other Jewish homeowner could possibly have a gun, their boldness to commmit crimes would be greatly curtailed. Their fear of our having guns would provide a deterent. As things stand now, everyone knows you can mug, attack, rob, and kill Jews in CH, and they will do nothing more than pray and cry. They won’t riot or retaliate.
Williaimsburg gives their thugs a different message and they don’t have these problems to this extent.