NPR Erases Israel From the Map
In a column on world travel, NPR featured data on concerns topping the lists of world travelers. Not surprisingly the Middle East and N. Africa topped the list of places perceived to be the biggest danger. This was equally scary for the State of Israel, which in a graphic illustrating the article, was ‘wiped off the map’ and replaced with ‘Palestine’.
The article, written by Marc Silver for the Goats and Soda column, is featured prominently on the NPR homepage and features the fictitious map.
Many commenters took issue with the graphic in, “I was in the Middle East in November and traveled to Israel and Jordan. I haven’t heard or read anything about Israel having been destroyed, although there is a large group of people hoping for and trying to make that a reality. Why doesn’t it appear on your map? Also, do you think ever Moslem country is dangerous?” wrote Judie Amsel.
Honest Reporting took a different look at it, “Perhaps NPR meant to produce a map that specifically highlights the Muslim world. If that is the case, then this should have made this clear as to why Israel is not included (as well as producing a more accurate term that could be used to describe the West Bank and Gaza / Palestinian Territories or the like).”
NPR is a privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization.
NPR apologized as follows:
Editor’s note: The original version of this post contained a map illustration intended to represent the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, which poll respondents identified as the region presenting the greatest risk to travelers and expatriates in 2016. The map had a number of errors. The countries of Cyprus, Israel and Turkey were either not shown or not labeled; the label for “Palestine” should have read “Palestinian territories”; and Afghanistan and Pakistan were mistakenly included. NPR apologizes for these errors.
nisht NPR and nisht the holy NY Times are the ones who will decide where we belong and where our Holy Eretz Hakodesh belongs………nor do they decide who it belongs to.
Baruch Hashem we have an Aibishter who clearly set out His instructions – very clearly written and read from the Torah for all to see and hear.
Just do your daily chitas and there is no need for any maps.