Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States
In a jaw-dropping upset, the American people have voted and elected Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America.
Battling staggering odds, including outright bias from the media, which freely admitted that objectivity was not an option, Trump overcame all odds, and in a shocking upset has defeated democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Reaction to the prospect of a Trump presidency rippled across the globe, with financial markets abroad falling as news outlets began raising the prospect that Hillary Clinton might lose. Asian markets were trading sharply lower, down around two percentage points, and in the United States, Dow Jones futures were down over 800 points in after-hours trading.
In Crown Heights, residents overcame long lines at times, along with missing ballots and broken ballot scanning machines, to turn out and vote in unprecedented numbers. Over 745,000 voters turned out in Kings County out of a registered 1,400,000 voters.
Reelected to the U.S. Congress was incumbent Yvette D. Clarke, who received 200,266 votes. She was challenged by conservative Alan Bellone who received just 16,617 votes.
Running unopposed for New York State Assembly was incumbent Diana Richardson, who received 36,641 votes.
A surprise on the ballot was a challenge by Lubavitcher Menachem M. Raitport, who ran for New York Senate in the 20th District on the Republican and Conservative tickets against incumbent Jesse E. Hamilton. Hamilton easily defeated Raitport with 84,892 votes to 5,407 votes.
Fox called the race with 254 electoral votes for Trump and 218 for Clinton at 2:15am, while the New York Times offered a more favorable count to Trump at 265 to 218, with all but six states left to call and all showing an inevitable win for trump.
In an ironic twist, after Trump was excoriated for refusing to say that he would accept the results of the elections, Clinton decided not to make an appearance at her campaign headquarters at the Jacob K. Javitz center and will likely not concede on election eve.
As election results began coming in, the mood at the Clinton campaign headquarters turned somber, with many supporters seen visibly distraught.
At 2:00am, John Podesta, the chairman of the Clinton campaign, arrived at the Jacob K. Javitz center – the Clinton campaign headquarters – and made a short speech telling supporters to go home. “We have waited a long time and we can wait a little longer, right?” said Podesta, “they are still counting votes and every vote should count, several states are too close to call and we are not going to say anything tonight.”
Podesta concluded by saying that there was nothing more to say tonight, and that they will have more to say in the morning.
At 2:40am the Associated Press called the presidential race in favor of Trump, after declaring the states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in his favor and pushing him up to 276 electoral votes. This was quickly followed by CNN and FOX News.
CNN also reported that Clinton has conceded the election by phone call to Trump.
Stepping out onto the stage at the Trump campaign headquarters at the Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan at 2:45am, Governor Mike Pence and his family introduced the next President of the United States.
Trump then stepped onto the stage and began by thanking Hillary Clinton and congratulating her on a hard-fought race, and announced that she had called him and conceded the election to him. “We owe [Hillary Clinton] a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” he said.
Trump then reached out across the aisle to those that did not support him and said “now we have to bind the wounds of division, it is time for us to come together as one united people and I pledge to every citizen that I will be president for all.”
“Our [campaign] was not a campaign, but a great movement made up of people that want to make life better, they want a government that will serve the people and serve the people it will.”
Trump then reiterated his pledge to put citizens back to work and fix the country’s infrastructure, including highways, bridges, tunnels and hospitals, making [the United States] second to none. He also pledged to take care of the nation’s veterans, and that they will not be forgotten again.
Today's Chitas!
End of possuk tes: אִם־הַשְּׂמֹ֣אל וְאֵימִ֔נָה וְאִם־הַיָּמִ֖ין וְאַשְׂמְאִֽילָה
Hashem will always right the ship even if others want to pull it in the wrong direction.
Big Z Schapiro
Didan Notzoch Mazel Tov and good Yom Tov wow this is very excited welcome mr. Donald Trump I would like to wish you and your family happiness and successful may G-d bless you do a great job keep up the work and keep up the spirit G-d controls the world but what really makes my day is mr. Donald Trumps daughter went to the Ohel this past Saturday night so yeah this is such a miracle to all of us we want moshiach now we don’t want to wait
Georgia Jewish Proud
Thank G-D that Mr. Trump has won this election !! Now, we the people, finally have a voice !!
Moshe Eliyahu
Mazal Tov !! Mazal Tov !! What a beautiful Simcha for everyone & all Yidden especially, around the world, B”H, Donald Trump is pro Eretz HaKodesh & will move the US Embassy to Yerushalayim, Hashem is with us, now we will build that wall, stop the Iran deal, create jobs & make America Great Again !! Let us all say Lecahim to our New President Elect Mr. Donald J. Trump !! When you go the Rebbe’s Tzyun & ask for help, Hashem helps you !!
Let's Daven
Let’s daven that one of his first orders of business is to release Sholom Mordechai Halevi ben Rivka.
How many votes for Donould J Trump did Los Angeles get?