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It was a seat once held by Shirley Chisholm in a district that was redrawn to help increase the amount of African American representatives in Congress.

Now, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn the question being asked is “Should a white man represent a primarily black district?”

This part of Brooklyn has always had an African American representing them in Washington. It all dates back to the days of Chisholm, the Voting Rights Act and a lot of politicians like Al Sharpton say the district's historic black representation should continue.

Brooklyn congressional race heats up


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It was a seat once held by Shirley Chisholm in a district that was redrawn to help increase the amount of African American representatives in Congress.

Now, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn the question being asked is “Should a white man represent a primarily black district?”

This part of Brooklyn has always had an African American representing them in Washington. It all dates back to the days of Chisholm, the Voting Rights Act and a lot of politicians like Al Sharpton say the district’s historic black representation should continue.

But now a strong white candidate, David Yassky, has moved to the district and he’s running.

“I respect Al Sharpton, I respect his opinion, but I believe what voters are focused on is who’s going to deliver on gun control, affordable housing, on better schools, cleaner air,” Yassky said.

The district is almost 59 percent black. Its lines were drawn to increase the likelihood of black representation. But most voters we talked with said a white congressman could represent them just fine.

Dave Evans: “It’s okay with you?”

Marjorie Thompson, voter: “Absolutely, I live in a building that’s more than 50 percent white.”

Lilly Manigault, voter: “As long as they do a good job. It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or white.”

With three black candidates running in this district and one white candidate, there’s the possibility that on Primary Day, September 12th, the black vote will be fractured, leading to the white candidate winning in this predominantly black district.

Major Owens represents the district now. His son Chris is running to replace him. He says Yassky has every right to run, but of course believes Yassky shouldn’t win.

Chris Owens (D), candidate for Congress: “I think he has a pattern of moving into district where he sees an opportunity and trying to take advantage of them. He happens to be good at raising money so he’s able to buy a lot of support.”

Yassky says he can represent black voters just fine. Whether he should is a question to be answered by voters in seven weeks.


  • Itzik_s

    59% black does not mean 59% of the eligible voters are black. It will be a close election and BH Yassky has more than a decent chance of winning.

  • Points of interest.

    Yassky’s wedding was presided over by a "rabbi" and a goloch. Chis Owens mother is a Yid.

  • Itzik_s

    Politics makes strange bedfellows. I do remember reading that Yassky’s wife is nisht fun unzere – but so long as he is not in bed with Sharpton, he’s the best of a bad lot.

    I guess we have to put tefillin on with Chris Owens (and for that matter with John Gotti Jr but that is beside the point) and hope that Yassky’s wife becomes one of these giyorois who makes the whole family frum?

  • not political & totally clueless

    Interesting comments!

    Just b/c someone is "Jewish" doesn’t mean he’ll look out for us. Sometimes a Goy is better, more impartial. Or even biased TOWARD Jews (course, that’s not likely here!)

    EX: Jewish judges are harder on frum Yidden than goyish judges.

    Major Owens married a Jew???

    Oh. So Chris is Chaim?

    We must vote…but who for? Hey…let’s ask Chanina.

  • meir

    where do the wise men of chlem hold?whom shall we vote for oh great political geniuses?

  • Vaad Hanarronim d-Chelm - Creedmoor

    We, the Vaad Hanarronim d’Chelm – Creedmoor Branch, endorse the following candidates:

    Please to write in far yeder elekshin azoy:

    Al Sharpton

    Al Sharpton

    Noch Amal Sharpton

    Who is karink if he is tzi dem ballot oder nisht! If you ken write der vert "CASH" on a chekele, you ken oichet spell der name Al Sharpton. Dat’s Al, den Sharp, like sharf, den a ton, like how he ways.

    Please to write his holy name in drei mohl so we know he gets in and he knows who voted far em. Tenk to you on behalf from the hyliger Vaad Hanarronim!