This is an email I got from a woman who was attacked and assaulted in her car. People read this and take a lesson from it!

UPDATE: After receiving numerous emails and comments about the possibility of the being a false story, I will clarify and tell you that this did indeed happen, verified before being published, almost exactly as told here by the victim. [Please consider the woman’s state of mind, which must have affected the way she remembered what had happened]

Last night I had a terrifying experience on Nostrand Ave [and Lincoln Pl.].

Ladies should NEVER drive alone at night if they can help it. they should keep doors & windows locked, NEVER get out of the car if there's an incident, sound the horn continuously.

I was on my way to Flatbush and saw a car driving without headlights on, so I flashed it... apparently you become a gang member's next victim when you do this.

A Woman’s Harrowing Experience this past Motzoai Shabbos

This is an email I got from a woman who was attacked and assaulted in her car. People read this and take a lesson from it!

UPDATE: After receiving numerous emails and comments about the possibility of the being a false story, I will clarify and tell you that this did indeed happen, verified before being published, almost exactly as told here by the victim. [Please consider the woman’s state of mind, which must have affected the way she remembered what had happened]

Last night I had a terrifying experience on Nostrand Ave [and Lincoln Pl.].

Ladies should NEVER drive alone at night if they can help it. they should keep doors & windows locked, NEVER get out of the car if there’s an incident, sound the horn continuously.

I was on my way to Flatbush and saw a car driving without headlights on, so I flashed it… apparently you become a gang member’s next victim when you do this.

The YOUNG GIRL driving stopped behind me at a red light, rear-ended me, reversed, and then did it again. I couldn’t use my cell as the impact shot out my earpiece and I couldn’t disable it. Shvartzes surrounded my car, banged on the windows threatening & cursing me. I was scared to death.

She saw that I had called 911 and began to flee so I foolishly got out to try and stop her. That was when she tried to run me over. B”H she accidentally swerved and rammed into a parked car with Asian family in it. She then took off. They weren’t hurt, but their car…!!

The cops were obnoxious & useless and it took them at least 5 minutes to come…one car passed us & carried on! The lead cop told me to get used to it, it is NY. He told me about this gang thing. They all found the whole episode highly amusing. He also said he gets threatened all the time. Well, he’s a cop, I’m not! So much for community assistance.

Shomrim came & were helpful, although my husband, who had by this time got there, saw they were nervous of the hostile crowd. Hatzalah were verbally attacked for helping me and not the Asians, even though EMS was there.

The community needs to be aware of the dangers in driving in CH, as well as to not be so public-spirited. Look where it got me! BTW, it was MY CAR shot at last Friday. I really don’t feel safe here any more.

Mrs. **




  • Fed Up

    Why don’t we keep thanking the police for all their help like Chanina did when Efraim Klein HY"D was killed.

  • not from around here.....

    Happy to hear you are O.K., it was great that you shared this story with everyone, the more info the better.
    You should report the officer who spoke to you that way, he is paid to do a job, they dont seem to do very well. Hope they catch the shvartzes that did this to you.
    I am curious who was angry that you were being cared for ?

  • chaya

    this is not normal!!!!! not only cant we walk anywhere in ch but we cant even drive!!!!!!!!!!!
    why did a car drive by and not stop….. a fellow crwon heighters doesnt deserve that?????????????????? and also, thanks to the police for coming late and laughing. now thats what i call safe security!!!!

  • just checking...

    not to sound too superstitious and overly self-righteous (?)

    but just checking that you have a chitas and pushka in your car
    check mezuzos of your home… tefillin…

    hope this is all in order already and taht you have only good news from now on!!!! AMEN!

  • Concerned

    As usual the Vaad Hakohol is to busy to help at all with crime in the community. Nobody even thinks anymore of callling them as they would simply compliment the police as they did at the Klein levaya.

  • KanTziva

    Living in the cH for many many years I can tell you its not getting worse then it ever was. It has been this way for a long time. The difference is that now the coverage is superb and right up front and center.

    Think about it, without this site for example you’d never know what’s happenning and that is the way it was BW (BeforeWebby)

    I can only suggest that the key players in CH perhaps get together again – with the help of Shmorim, regain some sense of safety like the years when Yisroel SHemtov ran wild ;)

  • Disturbed

    Just a reminder that we’re in Golus and Eisav Sonai es Yaakov! They don’t need a reason to hate, being a Yid is reason enough. We need Moshiach!

  • Solution

    Guys I’m working on a viable solution for people felling unsafe here. We’re heading a project to purchase a large plot of land in the Wihanaga region of Uganda. We’ll be building houses as well as apartment buildings.

    We’ll have local Cholov Yisroel milk, as well as Goat milk.

    If interested please reply below. We may also be looking into a similar idea in the former Yugoslavia.

  • Upset

    Who is concerned with crime? The most important problem in life is who will be the new Rav to be under Osdoba/Rubashkin/Brook and pasken what they want.

    Instead of helping the community we now have another court case! Another plus for those Raaabonim who carte blanche permitted going to court.

  • goin oy of my mind!

    Where on Nostrand did this happen?
    What time of night did this happen?
    What’s this about getting your car shot at?

  • DL

    I agree and believe that the only way to help the situation is by banning together with the help of the Shomrim, and create community watches, awareness, programs etc.

    Anyone willing to be the leader ?

  • ajl

    thanks for letting us know what prompted this holiganism.
    I always flash my headlights at cars that forgot to put theirs on.
    Wont do that any more.

  • reyshlukish

    Maybe it would be advisable to try and recruit more members to join Shomrim. The info for anyone willing to join should be made available.

  • president

    Someone, like Batya Breindel, should organize a class for the police to learn the sheva mitzvos.

  • Mother in CH

    Bh you are ok… . HOWEVER why did you honk your horn or even bother to mess with these animals??

    Don’t all scream at me- my point is, being in the city and world that we live in, don’t take CHANCES or waste your time other than going about your OWN business.

    This smuk could’ve had a GUN, KNIFE, who the heck knows!
    Hashem was with you big time let me tell you.

    We will never win with these animals. Instead of shmukberg talking through his tuchus, he should take some time to get rid of every single gang member out there!

    May g-d watch his people.

  • reyshlukish

    ”You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”

    now put THAT in your pipe and smoke it

  • Magdeburger Chossid-

    Police who think that frightening crimes like this are a chuckle do not belong on the police force. If they have so little respect for those they are allegedly protecting,then they should resign. Such callous treatment should result in a complaint of the civilian complaint review board. They are probably dragging their feet on answering complaints out of cowardice and a desire to skew their statistics

  • Bewildered in Iowa

    Why doesn’t anyone sit down with yoisroel shemtov and go over a battle plan?????
    maybe I don’t know the politics these days in CH ~~~

    Is anything normal chevra? twin towers? a guy killing 5 family members in LA? normal? You hear small to big crime all over and everywhere…nothin diff in CH!

  • they cant help it !

    Untill we dont stand with a shtolzkeit nothing will change, we allways hear lets be nice and act like they are people and so on, well guess what ? shvartzes are a MEMUTZA between monkeys and people they are the lowest of the lowest not to be considered people it is simply not ITS fault. Elo shechol dor vodor oimdim aleinu lechaloseinu VEHAKODOS BORUCH HU MATZILEINU MIYODOM

  • living on Miricals

    The way we live in crown hights is an open miracals each day.

    One out of every four male shvartzes have a record (those are the ones who got caught) and the average male Shvarter lives until 30 ( because of the homicides). This what we (10 x 10 blocks) are surounded with.

    While police may not be so sensative all the time, we must work with them and do whatever it takes to encurage them when they do good. As it says in the mishna "praise the government , because if not for them, one would swallow his nieghbor."

    Patroles and Camras are a good ideas to cut the responce time, but better with police who think we are on thier side.

  • reyshlukish

    As I wrote earlier, more people MUST be involved in civilian patrol.
    It may be the case that Shomrim is not interested in having more members, so then everyone should take a friend and take one or two hours a night, and just drive up and down the 12 by 12 block neighborhood, it’s not a verycomplicated thing. All the shpits chabad could (should) also get involved, besides the fact that the Rebbe (MH"M or ZY"A) was beging for his chassidim to join cevilian patrol’s in this shchunah (could be found in the sichos. In adition to that, what if YOUR wife or daughter is attacked, they (the schvartyze’s) don’t care where you daven on shabboss or if you go Gimel tamuz to 770 or Bais Rivkah, in short just let us all get involved.

  • reyshlukish

    To Mr. President;

    you write that Mrs. Brindel should get involved, the problem is (in my opinion) that the above mentioned empty skirt is asleep at the wheel.










  • Milhouse

    I’m sure the story happened, but "this gang thing" is pure bobbe maise. If a cop told you about it, he was irresponsibly spreading false rumours. See <a href="…">Snopes</a>

  • Daughter of the Victim

    Milhouse – it’s not Bubbe meises. As soon as I told my sister what happeneed, she immediately told me that these ganags have games they play where u flash, & u r it & they have to kill you. And, BTW, she doesn’t live in the US now.

    Going out of my mind – It was around 10:00 M"S, Nostrand & Lincoln Rd (after lefferts), her car was shot at last Friday by a BB gun. !side window ws smaashed.

  • ch

    I sometimes have a problem believing half the stories on this website, they kind of sound a bit out of proportion, but then again i don’t live in ch so maybe im blind, but the people i do speak to in ch dont sound as hysterical as this website

  • Mrs. *****

    Thanx for printing the report. I’m glad you verified everything & that you can confirm it’s true.

    To all those who commented: yes, I was foolish for a) doing the right thing & being a good citizen; b) I was even more foolish for getting out of the car.

    G-d certainly was watching me.

    BTW…I was parked by the Shuk last Friday. My car was shot at by a bebee gun. B"H I wasn’t in it, but the damage cost $400.

    Be careful when you drive, walk, etc.

    Mrs. ****

  • fabricated

    Where exactly was this on Nostrand Ave? Because Nostrand is only a one
    way almost all the way down to Flatbush Ave. So if she was driving in
    front of you, going the same direction how would you know that her
    lights were not on? Or if she was in back of you going the same
    direction how would you be able to flash her? This obviously couldn’t
    have been in Crown Heights. Either this story is made up or some of
    the facts are missing.

    Also (you wrote) "She saw that I had called 911 and began to flee so I
    foolishly got out to try and stop her. That was when she tried to run
    me over. B"H she accidentally swerved and rammed into a parked car
    with Asian family in it. She then took off. They weren’t hurt, but
    their car…!!)"

    1) How would she be able to see if she was in her car and you were in
    yours that you were calling 911?
    2) How in the world would you be able to stop her if you got out of
    the car? For G-d sake she just rammed your car in twice.
    3) Last but not least, how in the world could you get out of the car
    if in the paragraph before you write that "Shvartzes surrounded my
    car, banged on the windows threatening & cursing me. I was scared to

    This story sounds totally fabricated."

  • BrookAve

    CH is a safe neighborhood. You have to have "street smarts", if you dont, learn them or move to Pigs Knuckle Arkansas. You have to be tough to live in Brooklyn. When I moved to Rogers Avenue, you all laughed and thought I was nuts. Where is all the crime happening? Right in the center, on all the posh blocks. Summer is coming…watch out!

  • President St.

    "They can’t help it" wrote "shvartzes are a MEMUTZA between monkeys and people they are the lowest of the lowest not to be considered people it is simply not ITS fault." The Rebbe would never talk like this about Hashem’s creations. The highest part of Heaven is also referred to as black. Maybe they can’t help it because the government does not let children accknowledge the Creator in public schools. I read somewhere that "V’ahavta leraicha kamoha" does not just mean loving your fellow Jew like yourself, but also loving all people, especially your neighbors, like yourself. We have to prepare the world for Moshiach-events like this show we still have more work to do.

  • AB

    Hey ‘fabricated’ you ding bat. It’s my mother in law that it happened to, and I called Shomrim to tell them that the Shvartzes had started to surround her car. If you would open your eyes and take a bike ride down Nostrand you’ll see that it’s not so far down Nostrand that the Road turns into a 2-way Street. And for that matter, why would someone make up a story like that? As far as details go – so you remember everything that you did today detail by detail, minute by minute? She was trying to recount the story as far as she remembered, and so much happened within five minutes that if one thing evolved into another in the story then it doesnt mean its a made up story. So please, please dont claim that it’s a fabricated story. This story is for real, and don’t make false accusations. Thanks!!

  • ch res

    To daughter of the victim
    The ‘gang initiation this is one of those myths that go around. Do a google for "flashing lights gang’ and you will see how it is a bobbe maiseh

  • doubtful

    ummm sorry but this sounds kind of i dont know i suppose unbelievable would be the best word. how can both things happen to u and yet u sound so calm?

  • Mark

    I agree with fabricated wrote.

    No one heard anything about a gun being shot near the shuk, this lady has issues.

    The whole thing of flashing and then the banged you in the back. How is it possible if they are going the opposite direction? not to mention that Nostrand doesnt have opposing traffic.

  • TO MARK:

    HOW DARE YOU?!?! Have you checked the 71st precinct for BOTH police reports? There is one from Friday May 12th about a side car window shot out in front of the shuk while the owner shopped. And, there is yet another one from May 20th about this incident on Nostrand Ave… both filed by the same woman!
    I should know… this woman is my mother. Before you accuse someone of fabricating a story, get your facts straight! Why don’t you get in touch with Shomrim yourself and verify it if you don’t believe it!
    Now, to clarify to "fabricated": My mother was coming down Lefferts and about to turn onto Nostrand. She flashed the woman and then turned onto Nostrand. The woman immediately followed her onto Nostrand and proceeded to rear end her. Does that make sense now?!!?
    I don’t know why I am even bothering to waste my time convincing you it was true. My mother posted this as "Public Service Announcement" to help prevent others from fallling into the same trap. You don’t want to believe it? THEN DON’T!!! I just hope you are not their next victim!


    To the victims………. who cares what people think! you did what you had to do and you warned everyone! its their problem if they dont listen. their stupid. and why in g-ds name wouldnt they belive this story? dont you people know about the crime that is going on here? is this story so hard to belive? as far as im concerned im not even gonna read this anymore i dont wanna see people be stupid. and family member……….stop reading this……..whats the point they dont belive u anyway!

  • Disappointed

    I think until someone does research or anything like that on how it happened, or even check with shomrim etc. DONT CLAIM ITS FABRICATED! The attitude is sick here. You guys are really naive. If someone wants to warn you about something dont just dismiss it like that before checking. THINK TWICE!

  • what a bunch of idiots we live with!!

    Mark and doubtful:

    You idiots!! She wasn’t in the car when it was shot at, so why would she make a big deal out of it? Besides, it was done with a BB gun… doesn’t make much noise… so that would explain why no one else heard it.

    You people are so stupid. Like the above poster mentioned, if you don’t want to believe it, don’t. You have no right to say that it didn’t happen cuz your pea-size brain can’t comprehend a simple story.

    Fabricated: Btw, I spoke with a friend who said she and her parents (who know this woman) drove up to make sure she was ok, and she said it was really frightening. There were blacks everywhere! To answer question #3, by the time she got out of the car, shomrim and ems had already shown up, so the blacks moved away from her car and crowded the side walks.

    There are plenty of witnesses to verify that this story was true. Maybe some of them will come forward with their real names to prove it!!

  • ch

    No problem son of victem, just next time you write a story get the facts rite. The story above makes it very hard for anyone ot believe!

  • Shayna Charter

    On a practical side. I drive from Flatbush to CH every day, sometimes twice and late. Inever take Nostrand. Either goung NY and back Brooklyn. Or Kings Hgwy to Utica and straight on Utica. Less traffic and lights and better neighborhood is you can say anything is better. How could anyone doubt this poor woman. We have to stay alert and take care of our communityand chidren ourselves. As a former Bostonian, I had to change my outlook completely but I refuse to hide, stop driving or affect my life.

  • fabricated

    TO son and AB:

    The way the story is told it is very hard for anyone to believe it. I’m not doubting whether the story is true but the way the story was told it sounds unbelievable. Crown Heights is a dangerous place it always has been. Its just been getting worse lately. Next time a story is told should be accurate with all the facts. Just because this happened to your mother doesn’t mean everyone is automatically going to believe it.

  • trouble

    a number of years ago ch shomrim sent out a notice about the "gang initiation prosses" including a warning about the same thing. NYPD gang unit has confirmed that the practice is still very much in effect.

  • To: doubtful

    doubtful wrote:
    ummm sorry but this sounds kind of i dont know i suppose unbelievable would be the best word. how can both things happen to u and yet u sound so calm?

    you are unbelievable were you there when she wrote the story???
    didn’t think so you dont know if she was calm or shaking in her pants when she wrote the story so keep your comments to your self and get you facts before you write something stupid again
    and that goes for a lot of you "perfect" people

  • mp

    This is what makes stand out.. we are able to talk freely!! This is healthy for the community for everyone to express their opinion in a propor manner!

  • lasvegasjew

    its true the story makes absolutly no sense. For all those family members etc of the victim why don’t you clarify the story. Rewrite it and then everybody can understand what really happened. It says she was scared to death but she then chased the fleeing svartza. hmmm that makes no sense.

  • Mrs. ****

    To Lasvegas jew & all the other skeptics out there:

    Sigh. If you’d read it properly, I said I was foolish to get out of the car to try to stop the shvartza from leaving. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT??? I guess it’s true that people do /say stupid things when they’re afraid…you prove that.

    The sun is shining, & I’m thinking about Shabbos & Shavuous, and I really don’t care whether you believe it or not. But I am intrigued…is speculating as to the veracity of this incident all you people have to do? I am sure there are others out there who could benefit from all this wasted energy in helping them. Try volunteering. Now THAT’S productive!
    Mrs. ****