Shula Swerdlov, 3. Photo: Beraleh Shainer

JERUSLAEM, Israel — More details emerged in the tragic accident which claimed the life of 3-year-old Shula Swerdlov came to light today in an Israeli court room where the driver who is being accused of running over Shula, Yossi Shir, had his arrest extended pending formal charges.

The Swerdlov family is sitting Shiva in their home at Hara”n Road 16, third floor, in Shaarei Chesed, Jerusalem. Shacharis: 8:30am. Afternoon rest: between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. Mincha and Maariv at 4:45pm. Nichum Aveilim until 9:00pm. Email: Fax: 972-2-5662443

Details Emerge on the Tragic Accident in Jerusalem

Shula Swerdlov, 3. Photo: Beraleh Shainer

JERUSLAEM, Israel — More details emerged in the tragic accident which claimed the life of 3-year-old Shula Swerdlov came to light today in an Israeli court room where the driver who is being accused of running over Shula, Yossi Shir, had his arrest extended pending formal charges.

The Swerdlov family is sitting Shiva in their home at Hara”n Road 16, third floor, in Shaarei Chesed, Jerusalem. Shacharis: 8:30am. Afternoon rest: between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. Mincha and Maariv at 4:45pm. Nichum Aveilim until 9:00pm. Email: Fax: 972-2-5662443

In the courtroom Mr. Shir said that he was doing a friend “a favor” and replacing him for the day for 120 Shekels, and he maintained his innocents and denied having anything to do with the accident whatsoever, though admitting that he did drive the girl home.

It was also learned that Shula did not want to get off the bus, until her brother came across the street and onto the bus and walked her off and across the street, and they were crossing she slipped out of her brothers grip and ran back to the street saying that “I want to go to my mother” and was then struck.

Rami Zuchubitzki, the lawyer for Mr. Shir, argued that “it is hard for me to understand how it is possible that there isn’t even a single drop of blood on the van, it raises a lot of questions.”

Sharon Lary-Bavly, the judge who presided of the hearing, noted in her decision “the driver denies any and all involvement in the accident, and even though there is no solid proof that ties Mr. Shir to the accident, there is enough material suspecting him of negligence and I am convinced that there is suspicion of disrupting the police investigation.”

Reacting to Mr. Zuchubitzki argument, Police Superintendent Moshe Cohen said “the vehicle left the scene of the accident, and continued on its normal route of over 10 kilometers and its possible the signs were erased.” Mr. Cohen added that the police are going to be investigating the transportation of children in vehicles that are not licensed to do so, and if other playgroups are doing the same.

Related Stories:
Shula Swerdlov OBM, 3, Killed in Horrific Accident
31 Violations, 10 Accidents and No Insurance


  • ad mosai this is too much

    Oy, a horrible tradedy. What a beautiful girl, May G-d have mercy on her parents and family and send moshiach immediately. We shoudl organize a day of tehillim, or at least split it.

  • LEADERSHP pleeeeeeez! STOP PLAGUE NOW!!!

    Why oh WHY so mamy curses?!?!?!
    Oh heaven Oh G-d!!!!!!
    What can we the public DO to help this family

    Dear G-d, Enough pleeeeeez oh!! Ad Mattai!!

    I’m on my own spirutual jurney toward becomming more kosher shabbat observant!
    Why oh why dear Goooodnes must this horror happen’

    You Are the ALL-Mighty… Sooo you allowed this Devistation to happen!!

    My Rabbi told me to have a sofer recheck All my MeZoozot, as well as Tfillim for all men to also be checked!!

    Pleeeez share any other proven “SEGOOLOT”

    Can some Leader in chabad speak out and speak up re this Pattern of Dissaster in the recent days!

    Can some Kabbalist or Tzadik shed some light….
    …………what can we DO…… On a spiritual level to STOP THIS PLAGUE NOW!!! Now now!! From in our midst!
    Any outthere know what Omens if any judaism has to be protected from such Tragidy

    Please post all Torah-based spiritual deffensises to counter such decrees
    Pleees post or Op-Ed on this wonderful website ;( thanks ahead of time!

    Pamela (Puah) Greenfeld,
    Chicago IL

  • Hamokom Yenachem Eschem

    The school should have checked into the driver, especially since it was a substitute, before allowing their students on that van! It’s time for everyone to wake up and realize that we each need to do our individual small part in protecting precious Yiddishe Neshomos!


    Segulos known to protect against malodies or death of young people.

    #1) mezuzos checked yearly.
    #2) always take along shliach mitzva money (even penies) deliver charity at destination
    #3) buy “oys besefer Torah”
    #4) Tfilas haderech each day away from home
    #5) Tahara, (tvilas Ezra + Taharas mishpocha)
    #6) Recite tehilim shabbis mevorchim
    #7) birchas Asher yotzar bekavana
    #8) Daily Torah study
    #9) Sheitul in public (halachic hiddur in general)
    #10) Not holding onto grudge against another yid
    #11) be sure to ask mechila of others who may bare a grudge against you
    #12) modeh any with kavonas “shivisi hashem lenegdi somid”
    #13) bedikas Tfilin once a year
    #14) Avoid sleeping with feet facing a door, Pregnanant women stepping on cut finger-nail
    #15) avoid speaking words such as Death, Cancer, etc

    Please add to this list any other Segulot found in Torah, to protect family health and longevity of children

    I’ve only listed the segulos “promoted” by the Rebbeh as extreemly relivant to offspring longevity

  • a friend

    the cry of a mother for her child
    the cry of am yisroel to hashem
    the cry we want to hear from hahem towards us
    and have him reunite himself with us and our loved ones with the coming of moschiach now
    hamokom yeracheim

  • crazy

    This is really a terrible story, I know the family and its horrible to hear. But, something we all have to remember that we sometimes forget in our shock… the driver is also a yid and is probably in deep pain over what happened. The fact that he already has numerous violations on his lisence doesnt make him a seasoned murderer , how many of us have violations on our license? I know i do! this was a mistake, a terrrible, horrific and life altering mistake. One that I doubt this driver will ever forget. We have to stop villifying him, everytime we get behind the wheel of a car we each have the possibility of this happening, u cant see and hear everything.

  • anonim

    Please. No one with that number of violations should ever drive CHILDREN home from SCHOOL! Cut the sappy happy cr**ppy now, it is a bizayoin to the nifteres and her family.

  • SEGULOS ?!! what the?!?

    Let’s Not focus Only Only on the “segulos” that protect families against harm

    Let’s follow all those segulos and 613 simply because that’s g-d’s will

    Not only because it serve against gezeiros etc

  • We are all crying with you!

    And for the drivers family toooooo
    There are NO winners in such Gezeros RL

    Tchiyas hamaisim this generation NOW

  • Anonymous

    She is gorgeous and way too young! Just looking at her face and you know she would have made a difference in this world. Hashem, we need her in this world more than you need her up there! We cant bear golus any more. When will this end!

  • Segulos Segulos SHMIGULOS!!!

    Thanks to your list of 15 Tips

    Ya missed one MAJOR SEGULA from your list…
    DON’T hire such wreckless drivers!!!

  • Good Segulo is END Galue & Staert GEULA!

    Segulos are nice n all, but segulos are only only required in galus!

    Daloy galus!! Genooooooooooog!

  • Incomplete list, TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!

    Keller. 17
    Winteiler. 18
    Eagle. 19.
    Raskin. 22. UK
    Moshiach. 13. NY
    Kleim. 25. NY
    Braud. 1. NY
    Goldberg. Father. NY
    Goldberg. 2.
    Lazarus. 2
    Swerdlow. 3
    Rieber. 12
    Kieveman. Mother
    Neworth. Mother
    Hendel. 14
    Deitch. Father
    Deitch. Father
    Greenstein. Father
    Shaifer. Father
    Tauber. Mother
    Kolodney. 17
    Tzfasman. 22
    Gorodetsky. 33
    Cohen. 1
    Piamenta. 13

    Holtznerg. Father. IN
    Holtznerg. Mother. IN
    Simons. Father. AU
    Simons. Mother. AU
    Dagan. 20. IL
    Dubinsky. Father. NY
    Shmueily. 13. NY
    Shmueily. 15. NY
    Steinhauser. Monther. NY

    Sadly sadly this list is longer if including the campers who dround RL in Israel while swimming
    Not even mentioning the 3 boys dround in summer camp Israel

  • The RECENT MAGEFA list is longer HYR

    Levittan. Father
    Adler. 12
    Brysky. 1
    Gottlieb. 1
    Holtzberg 5

    Just the names you missed that come to mind off hand

    Clearly we all need MUST wake-up!!

    Vehechai Yiten El libbo

    To the leadership I request PLEASE give peace a chance!!!

    To the rest of my brothers and sisters READ the list of POTECTIVE SEGULOT promissed by our Rebbeh -who’s words we can Trust as 100% reliable!!

    Hope someone outthere posts a full Op-Ed on this wonderful site expossing this PATTERN of death (and major ilmess) as a seriouse mageifa, and what we as a community are to do Besides the 15 segulos posted on this blog!

    Pam. Greenfeld.

    Chicago, IL

  • Re: MGEFA list (you left out many)

    From NY you forgot

    Wolowik. Boy

    Hanover. Baby girl

    Your list is also empty of a number of Eropean and israeli chabad families who’ve lost a member recently (last 2 years or so)

    Since I am printing out the list of niftorim and the list of the Rebbe’s segulos for health and safety to email to my contacts!

    Why is it that such important info is ONLY found on CROWNHIGHTS.INFO?!

    God bless all the families, listed and not!

    Achdus will stop this plague!!

  • Before any segulos MUST BE UNITY!!

    Yup the #1 segula is not sheitul mikvah nor mezizos!
    It’s simple “ahavas yisroel” like the Baal shem and our Rabeim came to teach us via chasidus

    No room to feel superior to another
    No Jew is less Jew or less precious bec he can’t study Torah etc
    Never judge or condem the simner, ONLY thr sin
    always view the faults in others blimud zchus! As Somehow Tinok shenishba,

    Barcheinu avinu (when) kulonu k’echod!!

    Hisgalus NOW!!!!

  • G-d pleeese!

    Daloy Daloy Galus!! Feel sooo terrible for this special family, dedicated to shlichus and mivtzoyim

    Moshiach now! Mamish!

  • Sad & Hopeful

    While each loss is amillion to many! It’s very inspiring to see the world wide out cry and achdus – like true brothers and sisters with one father in heaven!

    Hashem shep nachas! Chasidim ein mishpacha

  • Hashem yerachem

    Chevlei Moshiach!

    The Tanoiim saw beruach hakodesh this darkest last days of Galus, and prayed not to be reincornated in this final generation


    I just searched the OBM search and Nebach found more than 38 untimely deaths in less than 2 years!! Gevald! Let’s do something different!