had been growing at an amazing rate. From a small 900 visitors a month we amounted to a strong 20,000 visits a day, and major news organizations are starting to take notice of this.

In this past week the we ran an article that was republished by the Jewish Press and was circulated world wide in their globally read newspaper.

The JP Pick’s up story from had been growing at an amazing rate. From a small 900 visitors a month we amounted to a strong 20,000 visits a day, and major news organizations are starting to take notice of this.

In this past week the we ran an article that was republished by the Jewish Press and was circulated world wide in their globally read newspaper.


  • Dovid


    You’ve reached new heights. Keep on posting positive and/or neutral stories. Ditch the stories that shed a negative light on Lubavitch. Every community has dirt. Let’s leave ours on the floor.

  • Toshev Haschuna


    Whats the connection to what you state, in the above section, that "the media and major news outlets are starting to take notice".. to the article of Mr.Greens in the Jewish Press?

    Dont get me wrong, I am a Great fan of yours, but didnt notice any mention or credit to – even once – in the entire Jewish Press column!
    All the best

  • Anonymous

    Well it’s true they used the article itself from here and didn’t credit it, but look under the picture.

    p.s. I was contacted by the JP to request permission to use the picture.

  • a good freind and a tremendous admirer.


    I’m holding a L’chayim as I type this; "may this be only the beginning and may you grow to know no boundaries and have lots of success, in a positive way.

    And like Dovid said "Every community has it’s dirt; Let’s leave ours on the floor." From the bottom of my heart, to the bottom of my whisky "I request one thing and that is the only thing I dislike of this site: ‘politics’
    I think CrownHeight.Info has reached a point where it has an effect on the community.
    If you put politics asside I’m confident a nice percentage of CrownHeightsers will do so as well.
    And with this we can become a stronger community and stand up for ourselves.

    Love the site!

    by the way, from all stories they took Mr. Greens article – what a kiddush Hashem and kiddush Lubavitch. Keep it up Mr. Greens. And to my neighbors in Crown Heights lets learn from them.


  • Nechama

    To a good friend:

    You’re so right. People are finally reading about all the good things that happen here. It’s unfortunate that there is politics on this site as well. It makes it seem like we have a crazy community. I’d bet that it is not any worse than other communities and maybe even better. But, when the crazy things are highlighted, people think that it’s the norm.

    To much more good and peaceful news. L’chaim!

  • girl

    att nechama: "………and maby even better………."

    are you kidding???!!!

    crown heights is the best place in the world!!!!

    ( that is except israel…)

  • different girl

    Att: girl

    I think that is what nechama was saying. Read it again.