Remembering Toby Eagle OBM with a Siyum Safer Torah in her Memory

BALTIMORE, MD — Wednesday, the 19th of Menachem Av 5768 was the first Yahrtzeit of Toby Eagle A”H who passed away last year in a tragic car accident. She was 19 years old.

Her home town of Baltimore Maryland commemorated her yahrtzeit with a Siyum and Hachnasas Sefer Torah, dedicated by her family and community.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Siyum began at Congregation Shaarei Zion and continued with a parade to Congregation Beis Lubavitch which is under the leadership of the Shliach Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon. Close to 400 people attended the ceremony and hundreds more joined the parade to Beis Lubavitch with music and song.

Amongst those in attendance were Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, head Shliach to the state of MD and a member of the board of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the sofer — Rabbi Moshe Klein, and many Shluchim from the upper Baltimore region.

The Hakafos, dancing at Beis Lubavitch brought together all of the various segments of the Baltimore Jewish community and will serve as a tremendous zchus in memory of Toby A”H.


  • ad mosai

    wow!!! wow!!! wow!! the eagle family is an ispiration to me in everything i do. to be able to pick up after losing a child, a sister, a friend… and carry on with life and turn her legacy into something beautiful takes a tremendous amount of strength. may this hacnossos sefer torah be the last one in Golus and be the leading event to the Geulah.