Elana Kasle Safely Flown To Michigan

The building of the Chaya Aydel Seminary.

HALLANDALE BEACH, FL [CHI] — Thursday 24 Shvat, on the 120th Yahrzeit of Rebbitzen Menuchah Rochel, zy”a, Elana Leah bas Sheindel Rochel Kasle was Boruch Hashem safely flown on an ambulance jet to Michigan, where she is now in a “interim” rehab center in Southfield, Michigan, minutes away from her home.

It is hoped that very soon she should be able to be transferred to a full rehab center. Although there has been Boruch Hashem ongoing progress, family and friends are eagerly awaiting for her “Modeh Ani” and for her to fully awake from her coma.

Please continue Tehillim (19) and all the good resolutions made on her behalf. May we hear Besuros Tovos and it should be fulfilled “Meshane Mokom Mishane Mazal, L’Tovah V’LiVrocha”.

At this time, we would like to thank all the Shluchim, Shluchos, Anash, and your communities throughout South Florida for your tremendous assistance.

Raphael and Goldie Tennenhaus

Moshe and Devorah Schwartz

Yossi and Chanie Lebovics