The Matzoh Bakery’s Oven’s Have Been Turned On, Officially
The Matzah Bakery located on Albany Ave. between Montgomery St. & Empire Blvd. is adjacent to a “Kloister” and an apartment that is rented out above it. Every year they cause problems to the bakery by calling the Fire Department and other various city agencies to try and interfere with the operation of the bakery, and get it shut down.
Yesterday (Sunday) the ovens were turned on for the first time this season and caused a lot of smoke to come out of the building and not through the designated chimney alone (which is set at a good 20 feet over the building to prevent complaints from the neighbors) but out of the whole roof. So the FDNY came at around 6:00pm and checked the area out but didn’t deem it a fire and they left the scene.
But 2 hours later when the smoke started to come out of the roof once more, 2 ladder trucks and 2 pumping trucks a fire chief and a battalion chief arrived on scene, and they went in full force with ladders onto the roof and into the bakery itself with the water hoses. After this second time that the fire department came, they deemed the smoke problem due to an imbalance of wood and gas but once the oven was alight the problem had been corrected. The neighbor asked the fire chief if the oven was a legal oven and if it was operating legally, to which he replied “yes ma’am”. Now we begin to prepare for Pesach. (yeh right!)
More Pictures in the Extended Article
if you notice in one of the first pictures, they hookep up the hose to the hydrant rite in front of the grocery store…. thats where people usually park there car when they run out to the deli or the grocery. luckily, no one was parked there at the time or else thier car would have become a swimming pool! lol the firefighters love doing that to people who park their car in front of hydrants. they break the windows and put the hose thru the car.
good coverage. keep it up.
oy vey!
nice pics…how id they let u get so close r inside?
guess who?!
shmuly: so true!
What’s a "Kloister?" BTW, I’m no expert, but those electrical wires running right under the oven don’t look very safe. The whole place looks kind of…um…messy.
Hey Julie,
A "Kloister" is building used for Christian worship.
Julie: ye ure probably right.
Fire Marshal
To all of you that feel that the FDNY is doing an inadequate job please submit you complaints to them.
The building has proper inspection and is authorized by the State of New York and the Fire Marshal of New York to operate, proof to the mater is that when the fire men came in they didn’t shut the place down, the Chief even said so himself (as the article states). Had there been an issue with safety the place would have been shut down immediately and all the questions would be asked later (fines etc.).
wat r they doing making matzah in cheshvan??
wat is he pointing to{first pic}? lol
perhaps maybe.....
huh? wrote:
wat r they doing making matzah in cheshvan??
Last year they were barely able to keep up with demand.
I guess they want to start baking beginning of Kislev this year and this way can make sure everything is ready to go.
they start the bakery in cheshvan and go up until nissan and even starting this early they usualy dont have enough for the ppl who want from that bakery most bakerys start around this time or kislev time..but u gotta start sometime in order to make enough matzah do u think they just open a month before pesach and boom they have all the thousands of punds that ppl need!!??!
been there
that thing under the oven is not a wire its like those thick metal (i dont know what there called) but its attatched to the light but its meant to be there and its not a wire!! ive been inside there and so have most ppl we go with yeshivas…and i happened to notice that before and im justreasuring u its not a wire…
boss-s daughter
julie, the place isnt usualy the neatest place in town but they did not start the bakery yet so its a lot messier than it will be when they start..gd willing on tuesday! u try keeping a bakeery neat with about 40 russian workers ;)
perhaps maybe: o didn’t think of that lol. thanx
been there: wow relax! t’was just a question
boss-s daughter: since when do russians work in there??
boss-s daughter
eeeeeeee: the woman who roll the matzah are about 40 russian woman…and from the 20 other men or so that work there about 10 of them are russian…and its been that way for the past 25 years!! (if not more)
been there
huh, i know it was just a question and im realy chilled what do i care about it i was just saying cuz from there ppl will start saying how the place is not safe..wires…(how rumors start) so all i was doing was reassuring u that its not wires!! :0
been there: of course it’s a wire! and it is protected by a metal casing. that’s why you notice it connected to a light, lights usually need to be connected to wires to get electricity. (you usually don’t notice them because they are usually inside the walls and ceiling)
been there
electrician what i meant was that its not wire there meaning something dangerous obviously its some sorta wire orsomething if its connected from the outlet to the light all i meant was its not a regular wire like it seemed
boss-s daughter
shaya, i dont get whats so funny about ur Q but hes pointing to smoke that was coming out from there
boss-s daughter: wow ok relax! just wonderi’n
boss-s daughter: o ok thank you
boss-s daughter
hey im chilled :)
p.s. to whoever made the comment about the place being messy, notice the fire department was there things are everywere and the place is filled with water (u tell me a place that the firedepartment comes to and leaves it neat) :)
i think that this bakery has to do some major construction and make it a normal bakery (and that would make a kosher one also, and would take care of all the problems ppl say about it),
and it was a stupid move that they didnt purchase the next door when they had a chance.
to me: sez hoo they had a chance
boss-s daughter
they actualy didnt have the chance to…and for ur info they have been looking into many places to buy but they havent yet found the perfect place for it yet and p.s. its got a hechsher no???? so that makes it perfectly kosher
pps if ppl have problems with it there are plenty other bakerys were they can purcahse there matzoh from!!
boss-s daughter: i dont think its very mature of u to get all offended with everyone’s comments. there just comments!
boss-s daughter
wait till someone disses ur dads work adn see how fast u stick up for him and p.s. THATS EXACTLY Y I STARTED THE IDEA OF THE FORUM…so ppl can vent without basing it on articles just like i wrote by the article of the girl who was attacked :) and btw im not that offended again im defending him thats all
o, ure father owns this place?
wow srry if u got offended.
is this rabbi. tennenbaum’s place?