New DOT Proposal Would Make Kingston and Brooklyn Aves Single Lane South of Empire, Add Protected Bike Lane


A new proposal from the NYC Department of Transportation would recreate the roads of Kingston Ave and Brooklyn Ave with safety in mind, limiting the lanes to one and adding protected bike lanes.

The new proposal dated June 10th and presented to Community Board 9, showed the results of a study conducted by the DOT which concludes that the area between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves, being within just one block of ten schools, is highly susceptible to accidents due to insufficient infrastructure.

The study was presented to the Community Board and includes a rather un-shocking piece of information. Both Kingston Ave and Brooklyn Ave at the intersection of Lefferts Ave have the highest rate of accidents with injuries between 2019 and 2023 in the area.

The two-street area studied includes the massive Wingate High School but also borders Bais Rivkah on Lefferts and Brooklyn. Also within one block of the study are Bnos Chomesh and Yeshivas Darchai Menachem, giving the sobering realization of just how many of our community’s children pass through this area each day.

The proposal included removing one lane for both Kingston Ave and Brooklyn Ave, adding speed humps, extending pedestrian standing areas to reduce crossing distance, , and adding a protected bike lane.

Unfortunately, the upgrades would come at a cost, with fifty-four parking spots being “repurposed”, mainly towards pedestrian safety, with three being “repurposed” for relocation of a CityBike rack.

The proposal is now in the hands of Community Board 9, on which the Crown Heights Community has multiple representatives.


    • Mendel Shmendl

      Hopefully, the Vaad will be brave enough to put the lives of our community above the flow of car traffic.

      The city has prioritized the flow of car traffic over the safety of our children for far too long.

    • All eyes on on the new young Vaad

      For far too long we had no one to stand up for our community interest so we have gotten railroaded.
      We are all hoping this new Vaad will change that. Their first test is this.
      If they stop it better yet if they at least put up a fight there still is hope.

      We are watching, hoping you try and praying for your success

  • Nechama

    Whose using their brains here. Seems like it got lost by the data that is completely inaccurate.
    How about they put their money down at Schenectady ave.
    Schenectady n crown.
    Schenectady n carrol.
    How many accidents accured there in the past yr?
    Creating all this stupidity creates more traffic whch btw adds to more accidents.
    I rlly hope this proposal goes down the drain, where it belon

    • AH

      Boo! This isn’t about saving children’s lives, it’s about making it more inconvenient for drivers, thus making them more likely to rush through when they can and to cause even more fatalities ch”v.

  • Anash

    Safety is definitely first here, but it can be done without removing the parking spots.
    Traffic lights instead of all the stop signs currently there , speed bumps, and speeding cameras. More Citi bikes and less parking is unnecessary. The current racks are mostly full.

  • Driver

    People often double park on Brooklyn Ave. south of Empire Blvd, when dropping off kids. This, coupled with no turning right on Empire at Brooklyn–and now making the road too narrow, to one lane, would make driving conditions impossible, and cause much more danger.

  • to the newly elected Vaad Hakohol

    Please stop the DOT proposal to reduce Kingston and Brooklyn Aves to one lane and remove 54 parking spots. This is your first test—show us you can fight for our community. Keep us updated; transparency is key.

  • Not a bad idea

    I don’t think this is a bad idea, except for the fact that we loose all the parking. There should be a law that if you are going to make changes that will make for less parking, included in the plan has to be how you are going to replace those parking spaces.

    • AH

      Brilliant. So you’re reducing parking spaces, causing drivers to have to circle around more, thus increasing the likelihood of accidents. Do people not think about second-Eder effects, just about soundbites?

    • Shmuli Evers

      Re: Ah
      Removing a few parking spots per block allows wider crosswalks, shorter crossings, and better pedestrian visibility. Shouldn’t safety come before free car storage on public streets?

      The inconvenience of potentially circling a bit is a small price to pay for a significant improvement in overall road safety and a more livable streets.

      If parking is so valuable, why is free?

    • AH

      You know, you don’t have to make your comment sound like it came out of ChatGPT. Because you haven’t addressed my point at all. So I will repeat: it’s not just “removing a few parking spaces,” because the cars that go in those places don’t magically disappear. Their owners circle them around more, and further out, to find parking, and that increases the chances of accidents.

  • Dangerous

    This is a very dangerous proposal .
    Like many area already . Emergencies have no way of getting by even in an emergency
    Besides that they promised they were not doing this

  • Mordechai Jefferson Carver

    1) Citi-bike racks should be relocated on wide sidewalks in a diagonal fashion to decrease sidewalk coverage ( like on Clarskon Av)

    2) Two way bike-lanes on a one way street appears to be dangerous since people look in the direction of oncoming traffic – this appears to be a new design change from original CB’9 Transportation Cmte Proposal back in April which was for one direction bike lanes

  • Josh

    Making Data fit your argument. They say “Pedestrian Safety” & Children being at risk and then flash a big number *158 Injuries* In actuality only 28 Pedestrians Accidents and this is over 5 Years. (That is 5.6 a Year.) Their “Severe Injury” number for Pedestrian’s over the entire 5 Years is…One.Much cheaper, simplere option. Two Speed Bumps on the Kingston block by Wingate and a Traffic Light

    • Municipal Parking Garage Needed in CB 9

      Make Vital Brooklyn Kingsboro (681 Clarkson – Albany & Clarkson) a Municipal Parking Garage if you are going to take a way parking spots. There is a lot of land between Albany & Utica on Clarkson.

      How many accidents are caused by speeding E-Bikes hitting pedestrians who cross the streets?

      Will Kingston & BK Av be a bike highway connecting to the existing Bike-lanes on Kingston & BK, N of E Pkwy

  • Ticket Speeding E Bikes in School Zone Bike Lanes

    To test out the anticipated increase in backed up traffic that will result from reducing two lanes streets like Brooklyn Ave to one traffic lane, NYC DOT could double park cars in the one traffic lane expected to be closed and then evaluate the resulting backup during rush hour . NYC DOT could have also shown the data for all streets in CB 9.
    Speeding E-Bikes should be ticketed in school zones.

  • If the point is safety

    If the point is safety, they should ban bikes not add more of them. I’ve almost been hit by bikes way more often than by a car. They swerve around, ignore all lights, and don’t check before crossing.
    It’s congested enough one lane will only make it worse!! These things should be put to a community vote as were the ones being affected

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