Crown Heights History: The Street that Never Happened

This series on Crown Heights History has been compiled by Instagram account @crownheightshistory, a born and raised Crown Heightser, and shows some of the ongoing research taking place.

According to the 1898 grid, what today is Clove Road was suppose to become Canarsie Avenue and extend down until Clarkson. It’s anyone’s guess why that road plan was abandoned.

Clove Road was part of a Road shaped like a clove which was meant to represent the edge of the ice sheet which shaped the area. They decided to name it after a Indian tribe which once resided in Brooklyn.

I would guess that it was abandoned simply because the road is disruptive to the grid and serves very little purpose.


  • Research

    Assuming this information is accurate, why would a historian have to guess, as opposed to taking the time to do the research to find out?

    • History

      Would take some serious research to find out why a road was NOT built. First need to find out what they had in mind when they made the 1837 grid.