Ita Yankovich - The Jewish Press

Question: Six years after 9/11, do you still fear another catastrophic attack here?

I see the same signs that this might happen again, though they won’t try the same methods. I would hope we’ve learned from 9/11 and that we’re better trained and prepared to spot the warning signs of another possible terrorist attack.

— Sara Diament, shlichus

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the Inquiring Photographer visits Crown Heights

Ita Yankovich – The Jewish Press

Question: Six years after 9/11, do you still fear another catastrophic attack here?

I see the same signs that this might happen again, though they won’t try the same methods. I would hope we’ve learned from 9/11 and that we’re better trained and prepared to spot the warning signs of another possible terrorist attack.

— Sara Diament, shlichus

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It could happen again. Al Qaeda is always planning attacks on U.S. soil and abroad. We have to fear another attack because the terrorists will never give up. I’m sure the CIA and FBI know more than we do about imminent attacks but don’t reveal it to the public. Another attack is definitely possible.

— Oriya Klein, customer service

I fear it can happen again. I wonder if our government is taking the threat seriously. It is so easy to sneak weapons into airports and especially subways, which is why I don’t understand why people complain about heightened security. You never know when terror can strike; we have to always be on alert.

— Lea Beck, secretary

I’m not worried about a possible attack. Yes, it could happen again, and I hope we’ve learned from six years ago, but I feel you have to put all your faith in Hashem that He will take care of us. There is no sense in worrying; whatever Hashem wants to happen, will happen. We all need bitachon.

— Esther Mizrahi, homemaker