Hatzalah Ambulance Gets A Much Needed Remount

After responding for years to life saving emergency calls in the community, one of Crown Heights Hatzalah’s ambulances received a much needed remounting. The remounting included overhauling the old ambulance rear, and placed it on a brand new Ford chassis.

by CrownHeights.info

After rushing on thousands of calls in Crown Heights, even an ambulance can get tired. For Crown Heights Hatzalah’s CH-2, that meant a remount.

Sent offย  weeks ago, CH-2 finally returned to its place in front of 770, with its ambulance rear overhauled and remounted on a brand new Ford chassis.

The spare Crown Heights ambulance, with it’s different design, has been moved from in front of 770 to Empire Shtiebel. It will be holding the spot of another Crown Heights Hatzalah ambulance, CH-1, as it heads for its turn to be remounted.

To remount an ambulance costs in excess of $100,000 each.

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