Hadar Hatorah to Host Shvii Shel Pesach Shiurim
On Shvii shel Pesach, Hadar Hatorah located at 824 Eastern Parkway, will be host all night classes and discussion open for the community on the topics of Shvii Shel Pesach and the future redemption. Light refreshments will be served. The classes will be inspiring and interesting, in an effort help everyone stay awake learning the entire night.
The shiurim schedule:
11:15pm – 12am: Rabbi Shalom Weisz – The Basics to Belief
12am – 1am: Rabbi Ari Wilshansky – Miracles Beyond Miracles
1am – 2am: Rabbi Shalom Zirkind – Splitting the Sea in the Future
2am – 3am: Rabbi Yaakov Bock – Concealment, How Long
3am – 4am: Rabbi Moshe Mindick – The Completion of Pesach
4am Spontaneous Dancing