Zusha, the Band, to Perform in Crown Heights
Zusha, world-famous Chassidic folk band, will be performing in Crown Heights this Motzei Shabbos, (Saturday, November 10th) at 8:30 PM. Zusha has played for a packed house in venues all over the world, inspiring Jews of all backgrounds through their original tunes and soulful melodies. Some of their most popular songs include Mashiach and Baruch Hashem. The concert will also include a performance by singer/songwriter Eli Beer.
The Kumzitz, a project of The Crown Heights Kumzits Initiative by Wine by the Case, with proceeds benefiting The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn.
The event will begin at 8:30 PM and will take place at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Advance tickets are $36, and $40 at the door.
VIP Tickets for $65, and $75 at the door, will include complimentary wine and priority seating.
Tickets are available at FCBrooklyn.com/Zusha
Baruch Hashem
Their song “Baruch Ha-Shem” is actually an old Israeli song with the words “Hineh Mah Tov Umah Naeem Shevet Achim Gam Yachad”…