Second Citi Bike Workshop Planned for Crown Heights
by Rachel Holiday Smith – DNAinfo
Do you have strong feelings about where Citi Bike should expand in the neighborhood? You’ve got another chance to tell the city about it.
On Dec. 7, the Department of Transportation will host a second public workshop for residents of Prospect Heights, Crown Heights and Prospect-Lefferts Gardens who want to shape where the bike sharing stations will go.
Citi Bike is planning to bring the big blue bikes and their docking stations from Flatbush Avenue to Rogers Avenue and south to Lefferts Avenue, according to maps at the DOT’s first workshop in October.
The agency is taking suggestions from locals about where the bikes should and shouldn’t go using maps outlining possible locations free of hydrants, crosswalks and loading zones. Using the input, the DOT will make a draft plan to be approved by the Crown Heights community boards, then tweaked again before finalization.
Brooklyn Community Board 8, which covers Prospect Heights and the northern half of Crown Heights, urged residents to come out to the December meeting because “it will affect your community!”
“Do not sit idly by while decisions are made about your community without voicing your opinion,” the email alert read.
The public Citi Bike workshop will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. at the St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf located at 260 Eastern Parkway. For more information, call the Brooklyn branch of the DOT at (646) 892-1350.
we need parking!!!
Friends, wake up. Call up the hotline tell them not by Kingston or empire etc. This takes away at least seven precious parking spots . We already deal with meters. Don’t sit and do nothing. If you can’t attend at least please call. Aside from the fact we don’t need untznius goyim coming here .
not on kingston av
Every one in The crown heights community needs to go and protest against it
we need parking!!!
Please call or show up to the meeting. We need parking not hipster bikes
get on a bike and get some exercise
why not use bikes more then cars, extra opportunity for exercise will benefit everyone…
it is for areas between Flatbush ave to Rogers ave
The community needs more BIKES, too many fat and obese UNHEALTHY people NOT IN ACCORDANCE with TORAH which states USHMARTEM ES NAFSHOSEICHEM!!