Raitport Snags Dozens of Endorsements in Crown Heights
Ahead of the upcoming special elections for the New York State Assembly seat vacated by Karim Camara, Mendy Raitport received dozens of endorsements from the Crown Heights Political Action Committee as well as many community rabbis.
A list of 28 neighborhood rabbis and activists fill one flyer all calling for residents to turn out and vote for Raitport, along with an endorsement from the Crown Heights Political Action Committee.
Raitport, a longtime Crown Heights resident and storeowner, is running on the Republican and Conservative party lines and thanks to a snafu will be unopposed on the democratic ticket. “[Raitport] has a chance to win on the Jewish vote along” said an insider, “his reaching out beyond the community will further help his chances.”
Elections take place on Tuesday, May 5th, and poll sites open as early as 6:00am and close as late s 9:00pm. Click Here to search for your poll site and voting times.

He has no chance
Don't be a Traitor to Am Yisroel!
Anybody from the Crown Heights Jewish community who goes out of his way to vote for anyone other then Menachem Raitport, is a traitor to his/her people!
If what whatever reason (other than sinas chinum – baseless hate), you do not want to vote for Menachem, better you should stay home.
To Yakov.
You know why you have no success in life? It’s because you wake up every morning or from your comment maybe afternoon and say to yourself, “i have no chance”. I feel bad for you.
Tracht gut vet zayn gut. Think good and it will be good. DO good and it will must definitely be BETTER!
ZAKI ? Melamed?
Who remembers ZAKI who ran for VAAD Hakohal to change the place and he has been MIA for years. No new elections and no money for the Kehila. Moshe Melamed is a person who has no political clout and has not been active with the KEHILA for years.
Spalter is also a person who only wants Mendy Hendel to run the place.
When you make new elections for VAAD then I will listen to your letters
All that you write is true…however,
Don’t match someones else inaction with your own inaction.
To number 1, please explain your statement
Going to Vote!!
He absolutely has a chance to win.
The democratic party made a huge error and did not file the papers in time. This opportunity may never come along again!!.
We have 3 other candidates running that will split their vote.
If we come out and vote he will win. We have the numbers this time
Please tell your spouses,children, relatives and friends to take the 15 minutes on Tuesday and go vote.
And remember what our city council member did just after getting elected last year and her true colors came out of her hatred of our community
Incredible how all our organizations have come together
It is so nice how so many of our organizations and rabbonim have come together with all factions of the community council and respected leaders to support Mendy Raitport. Mendy has unified all these organizations that in itself is a big accomplishment. Anyone looking to discredit this unity is voicing selfish self motivated agendas. On TUESDAY we MUST ALL VOTE FOR MENDY RAIPORT.
As soon as he asked mendy hendel for his help
I will not vote for him.
with the old breed
OK children stop fighting and listen. if you do vote he can win. that is a fact. The other thing you should try to understand is that everyone sees how many people voted. So if Crown Heights has a poor turn out everyone will see you do not have a voice and you will lose services. So do something good and make Crown Heights a better place.
mendel engel
Make the effort to vote for Menachem Raitport. We need one of ours!!
Menachem Raitport please make well on your promise to promote the tuition tax credit.
Bills like tuition tax credits need a majority to be passed
Just a little background in Civics. The NYS Assembly is made up of a vast majority, 2/3 democrat.
Therefore all the other candidates WILL conference with the democrats. Because the NYS Assembly is majority democrat any bill brought up by a republican, such as Mendy has a near zero chance of passing .
So if you are looking for the opportunity to get a passable bill regarding Tuition Tax Credits the only way to do so is by supporting a candidate that will conference (work) WITH the Democrats.
Yaakov S. Bard
You know what? Dov Hikind has promised Tuition Tax Credits for years.Instead of making political calculations why we need to vote Democrat,why don’t we force them to play by our rules. In addition it will entice the Republicans(remember,the control the state senate,beats me why CH voted for Democrat Jesse Hamilton) to compete with the Dems. I used to make these silly rationals till I realized we gotta play hard to get.