170 Bochurim Evicted by Fire and B’lding Department

The FDNY ‘Raided’ another two locations where Tishrei guests have been lodging today, temporarily evicting 120 from Oholei Torah and another 50 permanently from a different location in Crown Heights.

This is all in addition to the 120 Bochurim who were permanently evicted from the basement of 889 Montgomery St. yesterday.

Both the Fire Department and Building Department fined Oholei Torah for the violations.

Multiple news agencies were at hand to report on the evictions.

The Fire Department indicated that the 120 Bochurim would be allowed to stay at Oholei Torah if they secured proper permits, including performing the necessary fire escape drills, but no such leeway was offered for the other locations, which presented too much of a fire hazard.


  • Hipster In CH

    wow I remember last year when they busted the building on crown street and the buildings on kingston ave it only got collive attention things must be finally changing for the better in crown heights 290 so far busted – wtg fdny and nyc dob!

  • Homeless

    To all who come to crown heights without knowing where you will sleep: doing so only says you are ready to be homeless for a month and a half. Good luck.

  • Milhouse

    #1, I hope that was sarcastic, but it doesn’t sound like it.

    #2, Is that what the Rebbe taught you?! What do you think the Rebbe would have to say about your comment? Did you pay any attention at all to the haftoroh on Yom Kippur? Or to the story of Sedom?



  • disappointed

    it’s called big time mesira & big time antiAhavas yisroel the perfect example starting at the top with the phony Mr.Braun who thinks he is a Rabbi when in reality he is as much of a thug as Mendy Hendel

  • sad

    how interesting, does the fdny have a detective unit for this kind of stuff? or maybe they just “ stumbled ” upon these buildings? or maybe someone just snitched. for some odd reason i think its the latter.

  • 770 during tekios

    Every year @ the rebbe’s tekios there were 1000s of ppl above the fdny limit
    But no one massered on the guests for all those years

  • not suprised

    oheli torah could have prevented this – they simply needed to do their requirements which they did not

  • to # 2 & 4

    Of course the bochurim know where they will sleep

    when a parent sends their child to camp do they know what bunk they will sleep in or which room? no, they trust the camp to put them up in proper accommodations!

    the same is with these bochurim, they dont just come to NY they sign up to be part of a program under aishel, and aishel finds them places where to sleep!!

    This is all the irresponsibility of aishel not the bchurim

  • Shiduchim

    Now that 170 tzfatim moved to the hotel were the tzfatios sleep
    the shiduch crisis will be solved
    why they did not think about it before ?

  • Reuvain and Chaya Nesha Stoll

    # 7 How ver rude of you to say such a thing…. BH we have the most mentchlich, well mannered Israeli Bochurim staying with us for the whole Tishrei and IYH they are welcome back anytime.

  • puzzled

    Sorry, I agree with the people who say if you don’t have a place to stay, don’t come here. Imagine if we invaded Paris & Israel for a month with nowhere to stay…thousands of us. Do you think these freeloaders would open up their homes & hearts to us? Not a chance.

    But that’s a different problem, what are the OT boys going to do when they come back? Why wasn’t the place up to code? I agree with #9.

  • GROW UP!


  • what would the rebbe say

    if there was an internet troll on a chasidishe website using the name of a goyish cartoon character? hmmm

    he would say bug off and keep your nose in your own business. you are anonymous and therefore and zero legitimacy, so shush and stop preaching.

  • parent

    please understand that the fire dept. is not just looking to hurt anyone. If they have rules it is for a reason of safety. whom are we fooling by letting our kids stay in a place that is not safe. Do we need Chas V’sholom something to happen to realize that. Please follow the safety rules and we will all have a chag sameiach. it does say ushomarten lenafsosaichem

  • #3

    To #3. And would the rebbe be proud of these bochrim who fight fight fight. Look what they did to the goyim cleaners in 770 sure the rebbe is proud if them. They are mostly hear for them agenda………….. so watch when u get on there crazy wrong side

  • Leah

    That’s the risk you take when you come without a place to stay. Can’t say I feel too bad for them. THey all could have been very comfortably at home with their families in Israel without taking, taking, taking from the very generous Crown Height hosts.

    Oh, and if they want to come so much, why not come every other year. If it takes a whole year to save up for the ticket, spend the second year saving up to pay for accommodations.

    If they want to take the risk of being homeless, they should be prepared to change their tickets at the last minute and head home again when something like this happens.

    Tishrei makes me hate living in Crown Heights.

  • Milhouse

    #20, The bochurim who beat up the cleaners weren’t evicted from anywhere, were they? They were arrested. What have they got to do with these 170 orchim, and the ones reported on earlier, who were evicted from where they were staying? The Rebbe was EXTREMELY clear on the subject of orchim, and how CHers must relate to them, and he would not have tolerated such talk as commenters on this thread are enaging in.

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    strange. nobody here haven’t kids? KOLhaKavod to FDNY that think about security jewish bochurim, how rosh eshiva can send lot of talmidim w/o inshurance? if one of them hasvehalila will be sick, what they can do??? it so cheap . it less than $1 day, and for credit cards holders in israel it free, but who care???. i think if normal jewish mom will see pictures in which place kid sleep, nobody cone. it time to be honestly- tishrey for lot of people here it only business
    thanks for FDNY for protecting stupid kids,, and they stupid parents

  • all for the best.

    being evicted for a fire hazard is a trillion times better than not being able to escape due to a fire!
    why are these people coming without assuring a proper place to stay first? also, who is sponsoring places for these people?


    The FDNY and the city building deportment showed up and tried evicting all kids and their counselor from Oholei Torah’ gym and Mendy Hendel was notified and came to the scene together with Rabbi Nosson Blumes which is the legal owner of the building, the FDNY commander told them that the only reason why they came was because someone had snitch on them, the FDNY went and inspected the build for Safety/fire hazards and to their luck there was no fire hazards Oholei Torah has working Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and emergency exits so they gave a Permit that they can stay there till the end of Tishrei….

  • Evidence Of Mesira?

    There is no evidence of Mesira. You can assume, but that’s not evidence. Mikva news is not real evidence.

    Here’s two examples of evidence of mesira:

    Shmira member Yitzchok Shuchat

    Yaakov Spritzer (G-d father of Mesira)

    The fact that it was a complaint, does not make it a fact of Mesira, anybody (even a non-Jew) could have made the complaint.

    Besides: Even had it been a Mesira, the Meshichistim (Mendel Hendel and Co.) have no problem with Mesira. In fact Meshichistim glorify, justify and excuse mesira. So whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Remember: Don’t Throw Stones

  • who mossured?

    who? who? who?
    By the way, stop the bashing.
    There are rude and not-rude people in every community.
    I invited a group of Israelis to our Sukka two years ago and they made our table a beautiful, chassidishe Yom Tov experience for my children and myself

  • # 31 Maybe one of the workers in

    Oholei Torah reported it to the fire department because they didn’t want to do have extra cleaning work from the 120 bochrim

  • Best comment is -

    LEAH, #25! As another housewife I totally agree. I want a free vacation for a month in Israel. After all my hard work over Tishrei cooking for my family and guests I deserve a break but no one wants an uninvited, nonpaying guest for so long. So why do we accept these takers? Don’t give me because the Rebbe wants, it’s because we’re too soft hearted to turn people away. I bet the Frenchies and Israelis don’t have that problem. They are the toughest people on earth.

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    for all people, whit stupid, comments like “why are these people coming without assuring a proper place to stay first? ”it simple? and all of you knew this in israel OU CAN’T BE IN CHABAD ESHIVA AND NOT GOING TO TISHREY. IT PART OF SYSTEM” YOU NOT CAME TO ch IN TISHREY, W/O VEEEERY HARD REASON, THEY THROW YOU FROM ESHIVE. so kids it not guilty. stop blame kids. it all from hanhala

  • yorkie

    #9 people weren’t staying in multi dwelling apartment building cellars, back then.

  • Gush Katif - Yehudi Lo Migaresh Yehudi

    Horrible and disgusting! Can you imagine “ A JEW KICKING OUT A JEW” ???? How can one Yid do something like that to another Yid???
    THINK THINK THINK before Masaring on someone else!!!!
    Forget all the politics and what people have againts other Yidden and remember that we are ONE! And must care for our fellow Yidden!!!!! Lets say tehillim that they should be safe rather than telling on them to the fire department!

  • Thank you

    Now I understand what I learnt about the hachonsas orchim of the great people of sedom, some of you would coat these bochurim with honey and leave them on rooftops.

    Aren’t you embarrassed that hachonsas orchim is organised by A GUEST!!